The Effects of Agricultural By-Products Supplemental Feeding on the Performance of Moghani Ewes in Nomadic Environments
محورهای موضوعی : CamelM. Sahraei 1 , H. Fazaeli 2 , A. Aghashahi 3 , R. Khalkhali-Evrigh 4
1 - Department of Animal Science Research, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ardabil, Iran
2 - Animal Science Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
3 - Animal Science Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
4 - Department of Animal Science Research, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ardabil, Iran
کلید واژه: agricultural by-product, Moghani sheep, peanut straw, supplementary feeding,
چکیده مقاله :
Production of fodder is one of the key challenges in the nomadic sheep farming system in Iran. Thus, pro-viding nutritional supplements for grazing sheep is crucial for the success of this farming style. On the other hand, using agricultural by-products is a vital option to address this need. This study aims to assess the im-pact of supplementing Moghani sheep in the nomadic system with wheat straw, corn straw, soybean straw, peanut straw, rapeseed straw, and potato vine as available agricultural by-products. The study involved 147 pregnant ewes (at 3.5 months gestation) in a completely randomized design with one control groups and six treatments, three replicates per treatment, and seven sheep per replicate. The experimental treatments include ration consisting of 30% alfalfa, 10% wheat straw (Treatment 1), ration consisting of 40% potato vine (Treatment 2), ration consisting of 40% corn straw (Treatment 3), ration consisting of 40% soybean straw (Treatment 4), ration consisting of 40% rapeseed straw (Treatment 5), ration consisting of 40% peanut straw (Treatment 6). All rations contained 60% concentrate. Results of in vitro gas production revealed that in the first 12 hours of this test, the peanut straw had the highest gas production, while after 12 hours, the highest gas production was related to soybean straw. Results indicated, supplementing with peanut straw improved the weight-related traits and the highest milk yield in the three months of lactation (P<0.05). This outcome could be attributed to the low acid detergent fiber (ADF; 33.46%), neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 43.66%) content, high ether extract (EE; 2.06%) and dry matter digestibility (DMD; 64.92%) of peanut straw. However, numerically, peanut straw improved the conception rate and lambing percentage. Overall, using agricultural by-products as supplementary feed for ewes on pastures enhances productive and reproductive traits and increases overall productivity.
Production of fodder is one of the key challenges in the nomadic sheep farming system in Iran. Thus, pro-viding nutritional supplements for grazing sheep is crucial for the success of this farming style. On the other hand, using agricultural by-products is a vital option to address this need. This study aims to assess the im-pact of supplementing Moghani sheep in the nomadic system with wheat straw, corn straw, soybean straw, peanut straw, rapeseed straw, and potato vine as available agricultural by-products. The study involved 147 pregnant ewes (at 3.5 months gestation) in a completely randomized design with one control groups and six treatments, three replicates per treatment, and seven sheep per replicate. The experimental treatments include ration consisting of 30% alfalfa, 10% wheat straw (Treatment 1), ration consisting of 40% potato vine (Treatment 2), ration consisting of 40% corn straw (Treatment 3), ration consisting of 40% soybean straw (Treatment 4), ration consisting of 40% rapeseed straw (Treatment 5), ration consisting of 40% peanut straw (Treatment 6). All rations contained 60% concentrate. Results of in vitro gas production revealed that in the first 12 hours of this test, the peanut straw had the highest gas production, while after 12 hours, the highest gas production was related to soybean straw. Results indicated, supplementing with peanut straw improved the weight-related traits and the highest milk yield in the three months of lactation (P<0.05). This outcome could be attributed to the low acid detergent fiber (ADF; 33.46%), neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 43.66%) content, high ether extract (EE; 2.06%) and dry matter digestibility (DMD; 64.92%) of peanut straw. However, numerically, peanut straw improved the conception rate and lambing percentage. Overall, using agricultural by-products as supplementary feed for ewes on pastures enhances productive and reproductive traits and increases overall productivity.
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