Investigating the safety status of the environment based on the Elmeri index and its relationship with sports tourism in Iran's stadiums (Study case: Tehran Enghelab sport complex)
محورهای موضوعی : Geography and tourism planning, geography and urban planning, urban planning, architecture, geography and rural planning, political geography
Sahar Rezaei
Naser Bay
Bagher Morsal
Ali Fahiminejad
1 - Ph.D Student of sports management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
3 - 2. Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
کلید واژه: Elmeri method, safety of sports facilities, sports tourism.,
چکیده مقاله :
Method: It was conducted in a mixed quantitative and qualitative manner using the safety checklist of the environment according to the elmeri method and the researcher-made questionnaire of safety and sports tourism. distributed and collected by 100 sports tourists who were selected by Morgan's table as a simple random sample of 80 people. The data were entered in Smart Pls3 structural equation software to implement the research model. Findings: The results of the elmeri index regarding environmental safety showed that the component of safety behaviors with 93.5%, the component of cleanliness and order with 89%, the paths of passage with 87% and the component of fire and first aid with 75% have status were desirable Also, the opinion of tourists regarding the safety components of the environment showed that the component of first aid with the route coefficient of 63% and the t value (4.775) had the greatest impact in attracting tourism to sports venues. Also, the components of order and safety behaviors, according to tourists, did not have much effect on attracting tourism, P<0.05. Conclusion: The safety condition of the Tehran Revolution sports complex was in a favorable condition, therefore it provides a suitable platform for holding sports events and holding international seminars and conferences in order to attract sports tourism. Therefore, the managers of the sports facilities of Tehran's Enghelab Complex should take steps to improve the infrastructure and sports facilities in order to attract sports tourists.
Method: It was conducted in a mixed quantitative and qualitative manner using the safety checklist of the environment according to the elmeri method and the researcher-made questionnaire of safety and sports tourism. distributed and collected by 100 sports tourists who were selected by Morgan's table as a simple random sample of 80 people. The data were entered in Smart Pls3 structural equation software to implement the research model. Findings: The results of the elmeri index regarding environmental safety showed that the component of safety behaviors with 93.5%, the component of cleanliness and order with 89%, the paths of passage with 87% and the component of fire and first aid with 75% have status were desirable Also, the opinion of tourists regarding the safety components of the environment showed that the component of first aid with the route coefficient of 63% and the t value (4.775) had the greatest impact in attracting tourism to sports venues. Also, the components of order and safety behaviors, according to tourists, did not have much effect on attracting tourism, P<0.05. Conclusion: The safety condition of the Tehran Revolution sports complex was in a favorable condition, therefore it provides a suitable platform for holding sports events and holding international seminars and conferences in order to attract sports tourism. Therefore, the managers of the sports facilities of Tehran's Enghelab Complex should take steps to improve the infrastructure and sports facilities in order to attract sports tourists.
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