A comprehensive survey of recent proposed content replacement strategies for cooperative edge caching in IoT
محورهای موضوعی : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
کلید واژه: Internet of Things, Edge caching, Edge computing, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Federate learning,
چکیده مقاله :
The Internet of Things significantly increases the number of terminals and network traffic load, while its real-time applications require minimal latency to access the requested contents from data centers. Despite the processing and storage capabilities of base stations in 5G networks, the use of edge caching has proven to be an effective solution to reduce content access delay and repetitive traffic. This optimization of content transfer through the internet is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and performance of IoT applications. However, several challenges must be addressed. The limited storage resources, the constant changes in network nodes, and the dynamic patterns of content requests and user behavior pose fundamental challenges to content placement strategies. Developing an effective content placement strategy requires a comprehensive understanding of these factors and the ability to adapt to the evolving network environment.. In this paper, Challenges and issues facing content placement strategies in cooperate edge caching are described and recent researches in this field are reviewed, categorized, and explained comprehensively.
The Internet of Things significantly increases the number of terminals and network traffic load, while its real-time applications require minimal latency to access the requested contents from data centers. Despite the processing and storage capabilities of base stations in 5G networks, the use of edge caching has proven to be an effective solution to reduce content access delay and repetitive traffic. This optimization of content transfer through the internet is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and performance of IoT applications. However, several challenges must be addressed. The limited storage resources, the constant changes in network nodes, and the dynamic patterns of content requests and user behavior pose fundamental challenges to content placement strategies. Developing an effective content placement strategy requires a comprehensive understanding of these factors and the ability to adapt to the evolving network environment.. In this paper, Challenges and issues facing content placement strategies in cooperate edge caching are described and recent researches in this field are reviewed, categorized, and explained comprehensively.
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