Design and Implementation of the GABC Model to Calculate the Cost of Outsourcing Services with Emphasis on Sustainability Concepts
محورهای موضوعی : • Other research topics related to emerging technologies in accounting, auditing and finance
Zabihollah Khani Masoomabadi
Ali Khosravi
Naser Eghbali
1 - Assistant Professor of Accounting Department, Fasa Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fasa, Iran
2 - Ph.D. student of Accounting Department, Yasooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasooj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Accounting Department, Yasooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasooj, Iran
کلید واژه: Activity-Based Costing, Cost Accounting, Strategy Management Accounting, Outsourcing ,
چکیده مقاله :
Objectives: This research investigates the correlation between two approaches, aiming to propose a model for calculating the total cost of outsourced services using green activity-based costing with a sustainability perspective. Activity-based costing is a well-established accounting method that can easily trace direct and indirect costs of products based on activities and accurately track product costs resulting from different product combinations while also reducing environmental issues. The goal of this research is to propose a model for green activity-based costing in the gas industry to assist managers in addressing cost challenges and managing environmental issues in production decisions.
Design/methodology/approach: This research is descriptive in nature. Descriptive statistics and histograms using SPSS 24 software will be utilized for statistical descriptions and frequencies of demographic and research variables. The research was conducted using a descriptive review method, with data gathered from reputable domestic and international sources such as books, articles, and websites. The research involves analyzing multiple criteria of activity-based costing, identifying environmental activities, and outlining the outsourcing of these activities using various tools.
Results: The research results indicate that the identification of activities, environmental activities, and outsourcing significantly impact financial and operational performance.
Innovation: To present the operating model and verify the research model, the structural equation method was used. The factor analysis method with PLS2 software was employed to assess the questionnaire's validity, followed by checking and analyzing the path coefficients and their significance.
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