Livestock Production at the Nexus of Resources Competition and Ethnoreligious Cynicism in Nigeria–Implicative Analysis on Food Security
محورهای موضوعی : Development and Improvement
1 - Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore, India.
کلید واژه: Nigeria, Food Security, Legislation, Livestock production, grazing reserve and Climate change, Ethno–religious, Taylor grazing act,
چکیده مقاله :
Nigeria is one of the most malnourished and hunger ridden in the league of developing countries; according to reports of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of United Nations estimated daily animal protein intake for developing countries averaged at 4.5 g/head/day at the beginning of this century which has hardly risen to 10 g/head/day into the second decade of the century in Nigeria. This calls for an increase in the supply of animal protein to address the poor intake, but Nigeria’s animal protein supply depends on pastoral livestock production on extensive natural grassland. This production system is under challenges of climate and poor production techniques; hence government effort towards improvement via the establishment of grazing reserves is a way out. Therefore, this paper discusses Nigerian livestock production, climate change effects on Nigeria livestock production and its social implications, including food insecurity. We also consider sources of ethnoreligious violence linked to livestock production in Nigeria, grazing reserve bills (proposed legislation) in Nigeria the proponents, the opponents and what are the pitfalls the rationale for modification and re-introduction of grazing reserves bill in Nigeria and the potential of some models such as the Taylor Grazing Reserve Act of the United States of America.
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