Morpho-physiological and biochemical responses of suger beet cultivars (Beta Vulgaris L.) topretreatment and salinity
محورهای موضوعی : Stress Physiology
Ali Shokouhian
Heshmat Omidi
Amin Bostani
Amirmohammad Naji
1 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, 1025790, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Chlorophyll, Hydro-priming, Leaf area index, Proline, Root yield.,
چکیده مقاله :
A plant’s response to osmotic stress is a complex phenomenon that causes many abnormal symptoms due to limitations in growth and development or even the loss of yield. The present study was designed to investigate the morpho-physiological responses of different sugar beet cultivars (‘Shokofa’, ‘Sina’, ‘Paya’, ‘Turbata’, and ‘Aria’) to priming (non-priming, osmopriming, and hydro-priming) and salinity of irrigation water (>2, 8, and 16 dS/m). The experiment was conducted as a factorial split plot experimental based on a randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) implemented in three replications in a research farm in Saveh city, Iran, during 2019-2020. Results showed that non-priming of ‘Shokofa’ genotype, hydro-priming of ‘Aria’ genotype, and osmo-priming of ‘Paya’ genotype under non-salinity conditions had the highest total chlorophyll content (31.04, 32.80, and 28.50 µg/g FW, respectively). The highest proline content was related to the hydro-and osmo-priming of seeds under high salinity stress (1.91 and 1.23 μmol/g FW, respectively). Hydro-priming of ‘Shokofa’ seed showed the highest LAI under the high salt stress level. The highest root yield (62.9 tons/ha) was observed in the hydro-priming of ‘Aria’ genotype under without salt stress conditions. In addition, all sugar beet cultivars under non-stress and hydro-priming conditions had the highest root yield. Among the cultivars, ‘Sina’, ‘Torbata’, and ‘Aria’ and hydro-priming technique are recommended for planting in areas under soil or irrigation water salinity stress
A plant’s response to osmotic stress is a complex phenomenon that causes many abnormal symptoms due to limitations in growth and development or even the loss of yield. The present study was designed to investigate the morpho-physiological responses of different sugar beet cultivars (‘Shokofa’, ‘Sina’, ‘Paya’, ‘Turbata’, and ‘Aria’) to priming (non-priming, osmopriming, and hydro-priming) and salinity of irrigation water (>2, 8, and 16 dS/m). The experiment was conducted as a factorial split plot experimental based on a randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) implemented in three replications in a research farm in Saveh city, Iran, during 2019-2020. Results showed that non-priming of ‘Shokofa’ genotype, hydro-priming of ‘Aria’ genotype, and osmo-priming of ‘Paya’ genotype under non-salinity conditions had the highest total chlorophyll content (31.04, 32.80, and 28.50 µg/g FW, respectively). The highest proline content was related to the hydro-and osmo-priming of seeds under high salinity stress (1.91 and 1.23 μmol/g FW, respectively). Hydro-priming of ‘Shokofa’ seed showed the highest LAI under the high salt stress level. The highest root yield (62.9 tons/ha) was observed in the hydro-priming of ‘Aria’ genotype under without salt stress conditions. In addition, all sugar beet cultivars under non-stress and hydro-priming conditions had the highest root yield. Among the cultivars, ‘Sina’, ‘Torbata’, and ‘Aria’ and hydro-priming technique are recommended for planting in areas under soil or irrigation water salinity stress
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