Studying the Efficiency of Suaeda Maritima (L.) Dumort in Phytoremediation of Saline Soil
محورهای موضوعی : Stress Physiology
Mohamed Abd El-Maboud
Walaa Elshalakani
1 - Plant Ecology and Range Management,
Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
2 - Chemistry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
کلید واژه: Salinity, Heavy metals, Total phenols, Suaeda maritima, inorganic solutes,
چکیده مقاله :
The true halophyte, Suaeda maritima is growing naturally at the Mediterranean coast. Terminal shoots and roots of S. maritima and its associated soil were taken from two sites across the Damietta- Port Said coastal road, Egypt through winter and summer, 2019. Soil physical and chemical properties were investigated in details. In addition to heavy metals, water content, phenols content, total ash, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Cl were determined in both shoots and roots. Also, translocation factor and bioconcentration factor for heavy metals were assessed. Soil near the S. maritima rhizosphere was highly saline and had lower concentration of most metals (Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, Si) and total heavy metals during summer. The heavy metals were highly intake by roots and more sequestered in shoots and roots in summer. Water content and ash content were higher in winter season while the reverse was observed in total phenols and Na in both shoots and roots. Ca content accumulated highest at site 2 during summer for shoots and those growing at site 1 for roots either in winter or summer. Concerning Mg, the maximum value was recorded in plants at site 1 through summer in shoots and roots. Cl content was the greatest accumulation in S. maritima at site 1 through summer in shoots and those at site 2 in winter for roots.
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