The Complete Mitochondrial Genome from Iraqi Meriz Goats and the Maternal Lineage Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data
محورهای موضوعی : Camel
S.I. Mustafa
J.S. Heslop-Harrison
T. Schwarzacher
1 - Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Engineering Science, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
2 - Department of Genetics and Genome Biology, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
3 - Department of Genetics and Genome Biology, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
کلید واژه: genetic diversity, phylogeny, Next generation sequencing, capra, mitogenome copy number,
چکیده مقاله :
Meriz goat is a native goat breed found along the northern boundary of the Iraqi Kurdistan region near the center of species diversity and domestication. This economically important breed is distinguished by its production of fine hair, high persistence, and ability to thrive in harsh environmental conditions. Although the phenotype and productive traits of the Meriz goat have been described, the complete mitochondrial genome, maternal lineage, and genetic diversity of the breed have yet to be identified. Therefore, the whole genome sequencing data and bioinformatics analysis were used to assemble the complete mitochondrial genome, generate a maternal phylogeny, and identify some mitogenomic diversity features of Meriz goats Meriz goat is a native goat breed found along the northern boundary of the Iraqi Kurdistan region near the center of species diversity and domestication. This economically important breed is distinguished by its production of fine hair, high persistence, and ability to thrive in harsh environmental conditions. Although the phenotype and productive traits of the Meriz goat have been described, the complete mitochondrial genome, maternal lineage, and genetic diversity of the breed have yet to be identified. Therefore, the whole genome sequencing data and bioinformatics analysis were used to assemble the complete mitochondrial genome, generate a maternal phylogeny, and identify some mitogenomic diversity features of Meriz goats from the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The complete mitochondrial genome of the two individuals was assembled with lengths of 16641 and 16639 bp, respectively (MH165338 and MH165339). The mitogenome comprises13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and one non-coding control region. In addition, our data revealed that the mitogenome copy number is greater in female goats than in males. Integration into a phylogenetic tree with other goat breeds showed that Meriz goats belong to the most predominant maternal haplogroup A (HPGA). Furthermore, nucleotide diversity and mitogenomic analysis indicated that Meriz goats have a high level of mitogenomic similarity to Chinese Cashmere goats and Turkish Angora goats within the same maternal lineage. The molecular data reported here provide useful insights into the evolutionary relationships and mitogenomic diversity of domestic and wild goats from the center of diversity of animal species in the Middle East.
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