List of Articles Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Developing the Model of the Role of Communication Marketing on the Brand Love of Iran Futsal Premier League Fans (Case Study: Mashhad Farsh Ara Sport Cultural Club کیانوش شجیع سید مرتضی عظیم زاده فرشته ادیب روشن رضا حیدری 20.1001.1.20087624.1399. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Developing the Sustainable Development Model of Student Sport Participation in Iran مهدی نصیری خوزانی شهرام عروف زاد محمد علی نادی 20.1001.1.20087624.1399. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Developing a Model of Social Responsibility for Satisfaction, Loyalty and Future Attendance in the Spectators of Iran Persepolis Cultural-Sport Club مهرداد محرم زاده محمد سیوان نوری فرهاد فتحی 20.1001.1.20087624.1399. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - An Evaluation of Reliability, Validity and Factor Structure of the Questionnaire of Security of Sport Facilities. نغمه سعیدی مجد حسین عبدالملکی عباس خدایاری 20.1001.1.20087624.1399. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Developing the Paradigmatic Model of Sport for All in Islamic Azad University Based on Grounded Theory جمشید همتی جواد طاهرزاده رسول نظری 20.1001.1.20087624.1399. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The Relationship between Social Responsibility and the Image and Identity of Iran National Football Team سجاد نعمت زاده حمید رودباری مرجان صفاری ایوب سنگ سفیدی 20.1001.1.20087624.1399.