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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Leading Sustainable Nation-building Strategy Based on Social Justice
        Ali Asghar Pourezzat Taheri Attar Taheri Attar Ali Asghar Saadabadi
        In the history of man several phenomena have been considered as effective factor in formation and shaping of nations. Among the most important factors one can refer to territory, language, religion, history, ideology and common race. But the history is a witness to the More
        In the history of man several phenomena have been considered as effective factor in formation and shaping of nations. Among the most important factors one can refer to territory, language, religion, history, ideology and common race. But the history is a witness to the fact that in many cases despite the existence of such factors, nations had formed which did not last long. If one assumes that the base of the formation of nations ere the existence of the above said factors, there are evidences in history which rejects the above hypothesis. The present article by a rejectionist approach and by an interpretive and history research method analysis of texts and indirect collection of data and documents, investigates the cases which the first hypothesis is being challenged, then it concludes that nation-building will be sustainable when the development of a nation is based on social justice and other effective factors like territory, language, religion, ideology. In other words the effective factors in nation- building will lead to sustainable nation-building when these factors are mixed with justice. The finding of the study substantiates the hypothesis that effective nation-building factors once mixed with social justice will lead to sustainable nation-building. Therefore, it seems that one of the important factor in sustenance and peace in a society is nation-building based on social justice. A justice which provides the possibility of free and ethical life and evolution oriented for all ethnic communities, races and languages. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Abilities and Strategic Weaknesses of Iran in Oil Sector
        Saeed Mirtorabi Esmaeil Rabiei
        The present article examines the set of strategic abilities, potentials and limitations of Iran in oil sector to show how the energy reserves of the country affects the national ad international determinants of power, position and prestige of Iran. The article by using More
        The present article examines the set of strategic abilities, potentials and limitations of Iran in oil sector to show how the energy reserves of the country affects the national ad international determinants of power, position and prestige of Iran. The article by using structure-agent framework analyzes the abilities and weaknesses of Iran in oil sector and pays attention to the interaction of oil sector and the structure and rules of oil market. This interactional relation means that a country like Iran is having special resources and potentials to influence oil market and further its interests. Meanwhile Iran is affected by developments in oil market in different ways and aspects. This influence of world market on Iran shows the weakness and the factors that threaten Iran’s oil position. The article by examining fifteen indexes related to oil and gas sector shows that Iran as a middle base power can affect the oil market in the direction of its interests. Simultaneously it is affected by the developments in oil market. Thus Iran is faced with diverse range of abilities and threats from the oil market. The article studies the present and near future position of Iran in relation to the above said indexes to draw a realistic picture based on evidences about Iran’s potentials of oil power and the factors which threatens its oil wealth. These criteria which are discussed can be the indexes of power for oil and gas exporting countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Impact of Ideology on Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia vis-à-vis Iran (from 2003 onwards)
        Mosavi Syed Mohammad Ramin Bakhshi Taliabi
        The main purpose of the present article is the analysis and evaluation of ideological tendency of Saudi Arabia on its foreign policy after 2003 vis-à-vis the foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran. The relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia under the influence of More
        The main purpose of the present article is the analysis and evaluation of ideological tendency of Saudi Arabia on its foreign policy after 2003 vis-à-vis the foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran. The relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia under the influence of the above ideological tendency of the latter had been subjected to great fluctuation. In fact the questions like Sunni and Wahhabi sect, the leadership of Islamic world, Saudi’s relationship with West have led to ideological confrontation with Iran and persuasion of a hostile policy towards Iran’s position. The present article examines the impact of the above said questions on unfriendly policies of Saudi Arabia towards Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Impact of Nuclear Weapon on Continuation of Imbalance Unipolar Structure
        Mohammad Hatami Syed Mehdi Parsaei Sajed Bahrami Moghadam
        The end of the Cold War and the emergence of “unipolar configuration” have generated considerable debate about how to explain a great power balancing position absence which was against the United States power. The concentration of almost hegemonic power in a More
        The end of the Cold War and the emergence of “unipolar configuration” have generated considerable debate about how to explain a great power balancing position absence which was against the United States power. The concentration of almost hegemonic power in a country always triggers a counter- balancing coalition of other great powers. This is an iron law of balance of power theory. But why any counterbalancing power is not rising against the United States? Why other powers have not responded against almost hegemonic power of the United States despite what is anticipated by balance of power theory? The paper is of the view that in a nuclear world the goal of balance- i.e. the survival of states-can be achieved under a unipolar system and this configuration prevents the formation of a balance of power system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Place of Lebanon Hezbollah in Deterrence Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran
        Alireza Golshani Mohsen Bagheri
        The aim of the present article is recognition and analysis of the palace of Hezbollah of Lebanon in deterrence strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran. The activities of Hezbollah of Lebanon adjacent to the Israeli borders (Israel as the main source of threat against the I More
        The aim of the present article is recognition and analysis of the palace of Hezbollah of Lebanon in deterrence strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran. The activities of Hezbollah of Lebanon adjacent to the Israeli borders (Israel as the main source of threat against the Islamic Republic of Iran) while gives special importance to this movement it boosts the deterrence potential of Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question of the present article is what the impact of Islamic Republic of Iran support for the Lebanon Hezbollah is on deterrence potential of Iran? The underlying hypothesis is that the support of Islamic Republic of Iran for the Lebanon Hezbollah increases the deterrence power of Iran. For understanding the above hypothesis by descriptive-analytical method, variables like increasing the strategic depth of Iran, defeating the Israel deterrence and reducing military security factor and reducing the possibility of military attack on Iran are discussed. The finding of the study shows that the support of Islamic Republic of Iran for Hezbollah of Lebanon in the direction of containing Israel on the one side has led to defeat of Israel deterrence and the reduction of national security of that country. On the other hand it has added to depth of strategic for Islamic Republic of Iran and reducing the risk of possible military attack against Iran. This condition in the long run leads to increasing indirect regional deterrence power and national security of Islamic Republic of Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Process of Amendment of Turkish Constitution and its Impact on Turkey’s Joining European Union
        Masoud Ghafari Noralddin Akbari
        In recent decade Turkey has made tremendous efforts to become a part of European countries. The official application of Turkey for joining European community was presented on 24 April 1978. The process of negotiation for joining the community started on 13 October2005 b More
        In recent decade Turkey has made tremendous efforts to become a part of European countries. The official application of Turkey for joining European community was presented on 24 April 1978. The process of negotiation for joining the community started on 13 October2005 by signing a thirty five chapter document, a process which conditioned to ten years period time and in that the European Union laid the conditions, criteria and standards for joining of Turkey. The Turkish government in the direction of European demands put on the agenda vast reforms in the field of politics, economy, culture, judiciary and conferring concessions to ethnic and religious minorities. The present article by relying on documents data and by a descriptive-analytical method, believes that taking into consideration ideological approach of Europe about Turkey’s joining European Union, the present reforms do not have much impact on Turkey’s position in joining European Union and it seems that basically West, due to cultural and civilizational reasons does not have a tendency to accept Turkey into European Union. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Military Rise of China and the Challenges before American Hegemony
        Mohammad Ali Basiri Syed Hesamolldin Moosavi Mohammad Ali rayatei neshad
        The military rise of China is one of the important events of modern history. It is for more than two decades that China by taking up rational policies in domestic and international arena has achieved tremendous progress. These accomplishments along with vast potential o More
        The military rise of China is one of the important events of modern history. It is for more than two decades that China by taking up rational policies in domestic and international arena has achieved tremendous progress. These accomplishments along with vast potential of this country has changed it into a great and influencing power and one of the candidates of superpower position in the twenty first century. Since the United States considers itself as the only superpower of the modern world, the rise of China is a challenge to its hegemony. This challenge points out the necessity of responding to it. The present article while evaluates the Chinese military progress, its impact and consequences raises this question that what should be the United States policy for facing the rising military power of China? The paper also evaluates the hypothesis that the military development and growth of China is the indication and its tendency for world hegemony and becoming a superpower in international arena. Thus with the rise of China and its establishment as a world power in new world order in thecoming decade, major contradiction will increasingly emerge between the United States and China. This conflict of interests, besides ideological difference, will lead to the strategic interest rivalry in Asia-Pacific and even in the whole world. Since these developments do not conform to the long range policies of the United States it will pursue a two pronged strategy of containment and participation to face this security dilemma. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

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        Majid kafi