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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Patterns of Technology Transfer in Contracts
        Ali Zare Mohammad Reza Mokhtari
        Today, technology and access to it, one of necessities and basic indicators ofeconomic development is and this is why it is one of the major topics tradeInternational trade has become. The successful transfer of technologyrequires an understanding of industry goals, res More
        Today, technology and access to it, one of necessities and basic indicators ofeconomic development is and this is why it is one of the major topics tradeInternational trade has become. The successful transfer of technologyrequires an understanding of industry goals, resources, technology,innovation and the transmission, transfer methods, factors affecting, how torecruit and how to develop it. Technology transfer agreements due to thescope and complexity of the topic and the different conditions in suchcontracts is expected, are special features. Technology transfer is necessaryfor the conventional patterns different methods of technology transfercontracts were identified and evaluated. Technology transfer agreements,contracts and diverse, including licensing, buyback contracts, contracts andpartnership agreements covers. The contract is a framework, each contractorpatterns with regard to the characteristics and specific circumstances of theparties, may have advantages over other models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Comparative Study on Duties, Powers and Obligations of Labour Inspectors in Iran Labour Laws and International Labour Standards
        Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Ali Hajivand
          Whereas the labour inspection system is a public function and aresponsibility of government, therefore, the necessity dictates that labourinspectors shall be composed of public qualified officials, and they also haveexecutive, regulatory, advisory, corrective, m More
          Whereas the labour inspection system is a public function and aresponsibility of government, therefore, the necessity dictates that labourinspectors shall be composed of public qualified officials, and they also haveexecutive, regulatory, advisory, corrective, making policy and preventiveimportant duties. Hence, In order to enforce these duties in premises, they, inaddition to have certain rights and powers, should enjoy the stability andindependence of the employment, so that they exercise their duties andpowers in impartial manner and free of undue pressures and constraints fromoutside the system, in order to protect the manpower, economic sources andenvironment of work that are, nowadays, considered as essential elements ofsustainable developments. Therefore, labour inspectors, as representatives ofthe State in thr world of work, are empowered considerable rights legalpowers that their proper enforcement of these rights and duties constitutesthe fundamental to the authority of inspectors and inspection system as awhole.Instead of these rights and powers, labour inspectors also undertakethe obligations that consist of: the compliance to the principle of theimpartiality in the process of the inspections, preservation of professionalsecrecies concerned with employers, confidentiality regarding the source ofcomplaints and professionalism and competency. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Criminal Law and Economic – Industrial Law
        Mohammad Ashori Asadollah Mirzaie
        In this article, from objective and historical approach, we tried to considerthe relationship between law special criminal law on the one Hand andindustrial – economic development on the other hand. The main point ofview of authors is that the studying criminal la More
        In this article, from objective and historical approach, we tried to considerthe relationship between law special criminal law on the one Hand andindustrial – economic development on the other hand. The main point ofview of authors is that the studying criminal law of development countriesshows that it will be impossible to access development objects without thelegal and modern criminal law system especially at the beginning ofindustrialization. This relationship has not been unilateral and theindustrialization and development change the understanding of law from theconcept of crime, criminalization, punishment and its enforcement. Thechange of this approach and the requirements of modern industrial societycause the change in basis of criminalization and defining of new crimes. Thecriminal law of some countries with traditional ideas has not tendency toaccept this changes and to adopt law and their ideas with these changes inthe manner that some traditional crimes and violent punishment in thiscountries show the lack of their development . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Legal Regime for Environmental Protection of International Watercourses by Emphasis on the Strait of Hormuz in Iran
        Seyed Abbas Pourhashemi Akram Nemati Flora Heidari
        In the view of geopolitics and international law, international watercoursesare very significant in international relations. So, the environment of thesewatercourses should be protected. Using available resources at internationalwatercourses and protecting their environ More
        In the view of geopolitics and international law, international watercoursesare very significant in international relations. So, the environment of thesewatercourses should be protected. Using available resources at internationalwatercourses and protecting their environment are important issues ofmodern international law. Watercourses including lakes, rivers, andinternational straits are located among two or more countries. Internationalstraits are important components of international watercourses which arebasically used for commercial and military shipping not only by coastalstates but other countries. Therefore, legal status of the Strait of Hormuz asan international strait is affected by the law of international watercourses.So, in this paper, authors have studied on environmental protection ofinternational watercourses by emphasis on the Strait of Hormuz. By regardto strategic importance of the Strait of Hormuz for Iran, and its geopoliticalrole, in first part of this document, Possibility of blocking the Strait ofHormuz has been deliberated, and in second part, it has discussed aboutenvironmental protection of the Strait of Hormuz by considering soft andhard law. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Political Cinema and America’s Foreign Policy Toward Iran After September 11th
        Allahyar elahi Elahi Abbas Soltanloo Ali Reza soltani
        Hollywood’s Political cinema as the hub of America's moviemaking is a set ofprofitable companies which have been produced movies from the beginning of therise of the American film industry in the village of Hollywood, but over time, itsname encompassed all the Ame More
        Hollywood’s Political cinema as the hub of America's moviemaking is a set ofprofitable companies which have been produced movies from the beginning of therise of the American film industry in the village of Hollywood, but over time, itsname encompassed all the American film industry. Hollywood has always been aconvenient tool in the hands of the government and the government has beenruling in America until they transfer what they have wanted such as; Viewpointsand also their Positions to others, clearly or unclearly.The question is: what is the position of Hollywood’s political cinema in America'sforeign policy toward Iran after September 11th attacks? It should be answered tothis question that, after September 11th, Hollywood filmmakers have beeninfluenced by America's foreign policy orientations and made movies by referringto the past events and Islamic Revolution and also presented negative and scaryface of Islamic republic in world public thoughts by disguising the fact.Accordingly, we have faced to prominent image of Iran and Iranian in WesternMedias and specifically in Hollywood’s cinemas by Iran phobia project in theyears after the September 11th. After that time, issues such as Islamic Revolution,hostage crisis, terrorist attacks of September 11th, human rights, nuclear power,religion, culture, war, Iranian women, 1388 events of Iran and etc. were the mainsubject of countless anti-Iranian Hollywood films such as Argo, Syriana, Notwithout my daughter, The Insider, Alexander, 300, Maryam, Crash, House of sandand fog, Red Rose, Rosewater and etc., which have been made to presentAmerica's foreign policy goals Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Mortgage Commercial Documents in Iranian Law
        Ramin Pour Saeed Zahra Davoudi
        The present research studies the nature of commercial papers, nature ofproperty, and the concept of pledge and securities in connection withcommercial papers/trades bonds. Pledge of commercial papers has beenaccepted in most countries as a principal; however, the surfac More
        The present research studies the nature of commercial papers, nature ofproperty, and the concept of pledge and securities in connection withcommercial papers/trades bonds. Pledge of commercial papers has beenaccepted in most countries as a principal; however, the surface of Iranianlaws is in favor of non-acceptance of such pledges. In view of theimportance of the subject and increasing usage of commercial papers ininternal, domestic and foreign business area, this paper tries to help in liftingthe main obstacles in accepting the pledge of commercial papers byattributing to some of the laws, by-laws and presenting a new definition ofproperty. Manuscript profile