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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Scientific Center of Djundishapūr; Its Role in Cultural Evolution of Muslims
        یونس فرهمند
        A lot has been told already about the scientific center ofdjundishapūr which was founded in 3rd century AD by Shapur I, andevolved into a medical center and college by the 5th century due to theefforts of Khosrow I (Anūshīravān). Current work, is organized infour sectio More
        A lot has been told already about the scientific center ofdjundishapūr which was founded in 3rd century AD by Shapur I, andevolved into a medical center and college by the 5th century due to theefforts of Khosrow I (Anūshīravān). Current work, is organized infour sections; Introduction, Founding Fathers, Time of Foundation,and Product and Output of djundishapūr before Islam and DuringIslamic Era and Its Effect on the Cultural Movements of the Muslims.It is aimed to compare and analyze different views expressed up tonow and present a more realistic view about its role, especially oncultural development of the Islamic world Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Political System, Organization and Governmental Institutes of the Tūlūnīds
        هادی عالم زاده معصومعلی پنجه
        Tūlūnīds were among the small states which were founded during theweakening and disintegration of the Abassids caliphate. Since anefficient bureaucracy is and essential part of every government,Tūlūnīd rulers especially Ahmad and Khomaroyeh, along preserving
        Tūlūnīds were among the small states which were founded during theweakening and disintegration of the Abassids caliphate. Since anefficient bureaucracy is and essential part of every government,Tūlūnīd rulers especially Ahmad and Khomaroyeh, along preserving Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Turks, from Shamanism to Islam
        فهمیه مخبر دزفولی
        The turk‘s emigrants were influenced by the religions andcultures of other peoples when they left their mother lands andpassed of many areas. Shamanism was the foremost belief of turksthat remaind among them for hundreds years. However turksgradually could rule on More
        The turk‘s emigrants were influenced by the religions andcultures of other peoples when they left their mother lands andpassed of many areas. Shamanism was the foremost belief of turksthat remaind among them for hundreds years. However turksgradually could rule on Islamic world after accepting of Islam, butone can pursue their past beliefs in Islamic times. In this essay, thepast religious beliefs of turks before Islam and the ways of Islamspreading was considered. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Sufism in Ādharbay dJān up to 7th century
        پریسا قربان نژاد
        Sufism in Ādharbaydjān was established later than other Islamic areasfor several reasons. However some pre-Islamic Gnostic thoughts areseen in some ot the Sufis opinions. But often the Sufism, which wasgentle and tied to religion, was followed by them. This was to
        Sufism in Ādharbaydjān was established later than other Islamic areasfor several reasons. However some pre-Islamic Gnostic thoughts areseen in some ot the Sufis opinions. But often the Sufism, which wasgentle and tied to religion, was followed by them. This was to Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Destruction of Āmul’s Historical Monuments
        محمد علی کاظم بیگی
        Āmul, in the province of Māzandarān (former Tabaristān), is an oldtown from pre-Islamic period. She has a long record of being the mainpolitical and cultural center on the southern shores of the Caspian.Despite such an antiquitiy, the existing monuments in the town arer More
        Āmul, in the province of Māzandarān (former Tabaristān), is an oldtown from pre-Islamic period. She has a long record of being the mainpolitical and cultural center on the southern shores of the Caspian.Despite such an antiquitiy, the existing monuments in the town arerelatively unconsiderable. The present article intends to discuss causesof destruction of Āmul’s historical buildings and monuments, moreparticularly those which were destroyed in the early 20th century. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Critical Review of Tarīkh -i Islam of Dr. Fayyāz
        صابر اداک
        Tarikh -i Islam of late Dr. Ali Akbar Fayyāz (dead 1350 Š/ AD1971-2) is one of the earliest works on reviewing the history of Islamin modern times. It covers in a thin volume a long stretch of Islamichistory since initiation up to the end of Abbasids. The book de More
        Tarikh -i Islam of late Dr. Ali Akbar Fayyāz (dead 1350 Š/ AD1971-2) is one of the earliest works on reviewing the history of Islamin modern times. It covers in a thin volume a long stretch of Islamichistory since initiation up to the end of Abbasids. The book despite itsuseful positive points mentioned in publisher’s foreword raisescriticism on the chapters dealing with the time of the Prophet (PBUH)and the first four caliphs, which some of them are dealt with in thispaper from a historical and ideological point of view and each one isclassified according to its subject matter.The main incentive to this work was that the author has presentedan unjustifiable strict picture of the prophet, along quoting manyshaky accounts which present biased image of the life and deeds ofhim. So the present work opens with quoting one of these accounts(which in present author’s view) is “one of the harshest accountsquoted about the Prophet and his desciples. Manuscript profile