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        1 - A Comparative Study of Two Components of the Prior Ignorance, Awakening and Violence Against Women, with Modern Ignorance from Qur'an’s Viewpoint
        Ali Salehi Armaki Mohammad Reza Abouei Kamal Khajeh Poor bandnaki
        Ignorance has special components and is not limited to a specific time and place, and its various fields have been discussed and criticized in the Qur'an. One of these fields is the symbol and characteristics of ignorance. Among the important cultural components of the More
        Ignorance has special components and is not limited to a specific time and place, and its various fields have been discussed and criticized in the Qur'an. One of these fields is the symbol and characteristics of ignorance. Among the important cultural components of the pre-Islamic era that are still seen in other forms in the present time in various societies, including Muslim societies, are the two issues of abortion and violence against women. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze these components by relying on Qur'an to identify the real face of ignorance, so that it can be used with a reformist attitude in the contemporary era. In the present study, which has been done with a descriptive-analytical approach and collecting materials from reliable sources, it can be seen that moral vices in modern ignorance have found a new place based on cultural, social and materialist views and continue like the prior ignorance. Manuscript profile