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        1 - The Analysis of Nezâmi Ganje'e's Sâghinâmeh and the Real Number of it's Verses
        Sayyed Ahmad Parsa Mohammad Azad Mazhari
        Sâghinâmeh (bacchanalian verse) is one of the varieties of Persian poetry which has been mostly composed in the form of mathnawi and in bahre motaghâreb mothamman mahzoof, and the poet while addressing sâghi (cupbearer) and the moghanni (singer), More
        Sâghinâmeh (bacchanalian verse) is one of the varieties of Persian poetry which has been mostly composed in the form of mathnawi and in bahre motaghâreb mothamman mahzoof, and the poet while addressing sâghi (cupbearer) and the moghanni (singer), he recounts the reasons why he summons them. The aim of the present research is to analyze Nezâmi Ganje'e's Sâghinâmeh in which the reasons for summoning sâghi (cupbearer), the poet's images about wine and drinking it, the real number of verses in Nezâmi's Sâghinâmeh and moghanninâmeh and his motive for composing this kind of poetry will be discussed. The method of study in this paper is the analysis of content, and its supporting evidence has been collected via library research and text analysis. The results demonstrate that it is probable to achieve better understanding of Nezâmi's Sâghinâmeh through this analysis. Manuscript profile