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        1 - The Statistical Examination of Ionic Ratio and Saturation Indexes to Investigate the Origion of Underground Water Resource Salts from Delfan
        Tayebeh Karkhaneh ramin sarikhani Artims Ghasemi
        This research aims to examine underground water of delfan city in terms of geochemical characteristicsTo this end,the main elements of underground water were analyzed.Based on which all parameters were lower than allowed limit.As the saturation index can be an important More
        This research aims to examine underground water of delfan city in terms of geochemical characteristicsTo this end,the main elements of underground water were analyzed.Based on which all parameters were lower than allowed limit.As the saturation index can be an important factor to understand solvation –setllement of mineral available in underground water ,the saturation index was calculated using computerized code phreeqc.The saturation index of the studied minerals in all water specimens was negative and all considered minerals can be solving.Also ,based on ionic exchange diagrams,sodium and cholor have two different origins and Calcite,Dolomit and Gypsum  solvations have occurred from which Calcite and Dolomit solvations were higher.According to the HCA,samples are in two main clusters which Anions-Kations concentration in one cluster samples were higher .According to the clusters stiff diagram the region water type is Bicarbonate –Casic .To find main factor of underground water chemistry ,rotational Varimax method has been used which is the most common PCA,because it gives more interpretable elements.By this method,the limestones and Dolomit,s solvation and rock-water interaction are the most important factors of the region,s underground water chemistry Manuscript profile