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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of the Ash’arite Reading of “Creatio Ex Nihilo” Thesis
        مرتضی براتی
        Creation is one of the fundamental beliefs in Islamic world-view,playing an important role in all aspects of religious thought wherehumankind is told to contemplate the whole creation of God. In linewith this view is the unavoidable participation of philosophers,theolog More
        Creation is one of the fundamental beliefs in Islamic world-view,playing an important role in all aspects of religious thought wherehumankind is told to contemplate the whole creation of God. In linewith this view is the unavoidable participation of philosophers,theologians, and mystics in a contest where each group has taken aparticular position in accordance with their world view, throwinglight on particular aspects of being.The Ash’arites committed themselves to the creation from nothing(creatio ex nihilo) thesis in order to glorify the status of Godthrough expanding the realm of Divine will and power. Theyclaimed that this thesis was based on their reading of religious texts.However, this view resorts to certain unproved presuppositions andsuffers from serious intellectual problems.This paper offers a critical study of the above- mentioned thesis byexamining the textual bases of its premises and showing theintellectual problems in their consequents. In the end the writer setsforth the combination of the Ash’arite view with Sadra’s ontologyas a defensible outlook towards Divine creation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Concept of "Beyond Being" and the Absence of "Relation" in Plotinus’ Thoughts
        طاهره مسگر هروی
        Plotinus used the concept of “Beyond Being” for “The One”, in order totranscend it from any kind of definition, determination and multiplicity. Suchtranscendence causes a great gap between the source of existence and allbeings, and it challenges More
        Plotinus used the concept of “Beyond Being” for “The One”, in order totranscend it from any kind of definition, determination and multiplicity. Suchtranscendence causes a great gap between the source of existence and allbeings, and it challenges the most important mystical elements such as“relation” and “love”. Plotinus, in his philosophical attitude, has no signs ofmystical passion and enthusiasm which are the characteristics of the easternpoetic mysticism. Although Plotinus’ thinking has been the background oftheoretical mysticism and has affected eastern philosophers and mystics, hismysticism essentially is based on Greek philosophical thinking. The conceptof “Beyond Being” is very similar to the idea of “the Good” of Plato. In fact,Plotinus owes this concept to Plato’s theories. By Using this concept and bystripping “the One” from all familiar human characteristics such as thought,love, consciousness, will, and forgiveness, Plotinus describes “the One” as anunknown and unfamiliar concept; so it could be said that his God is a cold andsilent one. On the other hand, the transcendence of "the One" in the idea of"Beyond Being" changes the concept of "creation" into "emanation"; soPlotinus did not need to explain about the absence of God’s attributes such aswill and consciousness. Due to the absence of the concept of "relation", thereis no sign of "faith" in mystical philosophy of Plotinus. In fact, by thisontology he tries to analyze and define God and human in an analytical way.By surveying the concept of "Beyond Being", we come to two generalconclusions:1) There is no "relation" between men and the source of creation, and asa result, there is no passionate love and enthusiasm between them.2) The material world is worthless and vain; therefore, all the worldlydesires are invalid. Manuscript profile