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        1 - Jurisprudence and Legal Solutions to Deal with Criminogenic Administrative Procedures and Regulations
        Mohsen Fereydooni Samira Golkhandan Akbar Rajabi
        Receive Date: 2023/02/25                    Revise Date: 2023/07/20                  &nbsp More
        Receive Date: 2023/02/25                    Revise Date: 2023/07/20                   Accept Date:  2023/07/22 Today, sometimes administrative procedures and regulations, which themselves have been compiled and approved to organize affairs and even to prevent crime, appear in a different role and play a role as a criminogenic factor. Incorrect administrative procedures and regulations can be the criminogenic factor of all different kinds of crimes. From an administrative criminology aspect, along the pathology of administrative procedures and regulations, should reform its criminogenic issues. The jurisprudence foundation of confronting the administrative procedures and regulations of the crime is the necessity of restoration of trust of people in the administrative system and reduction of the imposed costs on the Islamic system. From jurisprudence aspect, attention to self-control among administrative officials, constant supervision on the regulations and enjoining good and forbidding evil is the main solution to deal with this type of regulations and procedures. From a legal aspect, organizing the criminal sanctions, combating trafficking, amending regulations of multi-jobs, limiting payments in companies, establishing regulations in the field of conflict of interests, implementing the law on declaration of assets, creating an internal control system and disclosure of criminogenic administrative procedures and regulations is one of the main solutions to deal with criminogenic administrative procedures and regulations. Manuscript profile