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        1 - The Reviewof Political and MilitaryLifeof Lieutenant General Teymur Bakhtiar and His Rolein theHappenings duringPahlaviII’SRule.
        Ali Mokhtari Afsaneh Hayati
        Having people likeTeymurBakhtiar as the head of security and intelligenceagencies and using their capabilities and competence, Mohammad Reza Pahlavitried to repress the opponents and strengthenhis monarchy. Lt. Gen. TeymurBakhtiar, the firsthead ofSAVAK (Iranian Intelli More
        Having people likeTeymurBakhtiar as the head of security and intelligenceagencies and using their capabilities and competence, Mohammad Reza Pahlavitried to repress the opponents and strengthenhis monarchy. Lt. Gen. TeymurBakhtiar, the firsthead ofSAVAK (Iranian Intelligence and National Security Organization),in asix-year period, developed an information- security system. As a structured organization, during 1952-1976, it crushed the opposing forces. However, soon, as a security chief, he opposed the Pahlavi regime and involved in some hostile activities towards it. Before long, he was detained in Beirut and failed to accomplish his purposes.  Finally hemanagedtocontinuehis activitiesin Iraq and formeda groupcalled the “Liberation Movementof Iranian people". In the meantime, the GeneralOffice ofSAVAK was monitoring his actions, put several infiltrators in his organizationand finally managed toassassinate him. Bakhtiar’s assassination put Mohammad Reza Shah at ease and assured him that he could maintain his rule more confidently.  Manuscript profile