• List of Articles Seljuk

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        1 - Rational Sciences in Seljuk’s Era: A Statistical Analysis and Study on the Community of Scholars
        Nayereh Dalir Atefeh Kazemi Mojarad
          This article studies the community of scholars in the field of rational sciences throughout the Seljuk’s era. The authors seek to answer questions regarding with the statistical development of the society of scholars in the Seljuk’s era, and the meani More
          This article studies the community of scholars in the field of rational sciences throughout the Seljuk’s era. The authors seek to answer questions regarding with the statistical development of the society of scholars in the Seljuk’s era, and the meaning and reasoning behind such historical trend. In order to respond those questions, the Seljuk’s era has been divided into three periods. The statistical society of each period taking into consideration and has been exhibited in different tables and charts. Analyzing the data of those tables and charts, it is concluded that the percentage of the scholars of rational sciences in the Seljuk’s era not only had not been diminished, but also considerably increased throughout the second period despite the weaknesses of the central Government and also in the third period, despite having a destabilized and scattered governing system. Indeed, the overall numerical analysis shows an increasing historical development of the scholars and academics of rational sciences in Seljuk’s era. References Abū Zahra, Muḥammad, al- Shāfiī Ḥayāta wa Aṣra, Intishārāt- i Dār al- Fikr al- ʿArabī, 1948/ 1327. Bundārī Iṣfahānī, Fatḥ b. ʿAlī, Tarīkh- i Silsila- yi Saldjūḳī, Trans. Mohammad Hossien Jalili, Nashr- i Bunyad- i Farhang- i Iran, 1356. Bayhaḳī, ʿAlī b. Zayd, Tarīkh- i al- Ḥukamā al- Islām, Maṭbaʿa al-Taraḳḳī, ( Und.). Idem, Li- Bāb al- Ansāb, Revised by Mahdi Rejaei, Qom, The Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Library, ( Und.). Corbin, Henry, Tarīkh- i Falsafa- yi Islāmī(Histoire de La Philosophie IsLamique), Vol. 1, Trans. Assadollah Mobashery, Tehran, AmīrKabīr, 1361/ 1982. Dhahabī, Shams al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Tarikh al- Islām wa wafayāt (ṭabaḳāt) al- mashāhīr wal- alām, Vol. 52, Revised by ʿUmar ʿAbd al- Salām Tadmūrī, Beirut, Dār al- Kitāb al- ʿArabī, 1413 AH/ 1413 AD. 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Muḥammad Sandjarī, Revised by Fatemeh Modarresi, Urmia, University of Urmia, 1380/ 2001. Ibn Ḳifṭī, Abū al- Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Yūsuf, Tarīkh- i al- Ḥukamā, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1371/ 1992. Ibn Nadjdjār, Lil- ḥāfiẓ Muḥibb al- Dīn, Dhayl- i Tarīkh- i Baghdād, Vol. 5, ( Und.), ( Und.), ( Und.). Ibn Sīnā, Manṭiḳ al- Mashriḳiyyīn, Qom, The Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Library, 1364/ 1985. Kassai, Noorollah, Madāris- i Niẓāmiyya wa Tathīrāt- i Ilmī wa Idjtimāī- yi Ān, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1358/ 1979. Khwārazmī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Mafātīḥ al- Ulūm, Revised by ʿAbd al- Amīr Aʿsam, Beirut, Dār al- Manāhil, 1425 AH/ 2005 AD. Lambton, Ann¸Tadāwum wa Taḥawwūl dar Tarīkh- i Miyyana- yi Iran (11th to 14th century,history social and ,economic ,administrative of aspects :Persia medieval in change and Continuity), Trans. Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Nashr- i Niy, 1372/ 1993. Mūsawī Khwānsārī, Muḥammad Baḳir, Rawḍat al- Djannāt fī Aḥwal al- Ulamā  wa al- Sādāt, Vol. 6, Qom, Esmailiyan, (Und.). Nasr, Hossein, Ilm wa Tamaddun dar Islām, Trans. Ahmad Aram, Tehran, Nashr- i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1386/ 2007. Idem, Djāwidān Khirad, Vol. 1, Tehran, Surūsh, 1382/ 2003. Niẓām al- Mulk, Tūsī, Siyar al- Mulūk  yā (or) Siyāsat- Nāma, Revised by Hubert Darke, Tehran, ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1383/ 2004. Niẓāmī ʿArūḍī, Çahār Maḳāla, Tehran, Ishrāḳ, 1364/ 1985. Omīd, Ṣafī, Siyāsat/ Dānish Dar Djahān- i Islām: Hamsūyī Marifat wa Ideology Dar Dawra- yi Saldjūḳī, Trans. Mudjtabā Fāḍilī, Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, 1389/ 2010. Rāwandī, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Sulaymān, Rāḥat al- Ṣudūr wa- Āyat al- Surūr, Revised by Mohammad Eghbal, Tehran, Amīrkabīr, 1364/ 1985. Rāzī, Fakhr al- Dīn, Djāmi al- Ulūm, Tehran, Dr. Afshar's Endowment Foundation, 1382/ 2003. Ronan, Colin A., Tarīkh- i Ilm- i Cambridge(The Cambridge illustrated history of the world's science), Trans. Hasan Afshar, Tehran, Nashr- i Markaz, 1371/ 1992. 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Subkī, ʿAbd al- Wahhab b. ʿAlī, Tabaḳāt al- shāfiiyya, Vol. 2, Revised by Muṣṭafa ʿAbs al- Ḳādir, Beirut, Dār iḥyāʾ al- kutub al- ʿArabiyya, 1999/ 1377. Yāḳūt Himawī, Mudjam al- buldān, Vol. 2, Trans. Ali-Naghi Monzavi, Tehran,  Sāzmān- i Mīrāth Farhangī- yi Kishwar, 1383/ 2004. Papers Akrami, Ayyub, "Barrisī- yi Taṭbīḳī- yi Ṭabaḳa- Bandī- Hā- yi ʿUlūm Dar Tamaddun- i Islāmī", Marifat, No. 151,  Tīr 1389/ June 2010. Compagnoni, Albert Napoleon, "Ḥakīm Abū Ḥātam Muẓaffar Isfizārī", Department of Literature and Humanities, Vol. 5, No. 1 & 2, Mihr wa Diy 1336/ September & December 1957. Fani, Kamran, "Fihrist- i Āthār- i Çāpī- yi Imām Fakhr- i Rāzī", Madjala- yi Maārif, No. 7, 1365/ 1986. Jafari mazhab, Mohsen, "Bayān al- Nudjūm Abul- Faḍl Hubaysh b. Ibrāhīm Tiflīsī", Āyīna Mīrāth, No. 2 & 3, 1385/ 2006. Naser, Sedghi, "Djaryān- Hā- yi Tafakkur wa Andīsha- yi ʿIrfānī dar Iran- i ʿAṣr- i Saldjūḳī", Cultural History Studies, 1390/ 2011. Idem, "Taʾamulī dar Waḍʿiyyat Pazhuhish- hā- yi Saldjūḳī dar Iran", Madjala- yi Kitāb Māh Tarīkh wa Djughrāfiyyā, No.169, Khurdād 1391/ May 2012. Ojabi, Ali, "Ẓuhayr al- Dīn Biyhaḳī Mūʾallif Tatimmat Ṣiwān al- Ḥikma", Kitāb Mah Falsafa, No. 15, Ādhar/ 1385/ November 2006. Tajbakhsh, Hasan, "Sayyid Ismāʿīl- i Djurdjānī Bunyāngudhār- i Pizishkī- yi Parsī", Āyina Mīrāth, No. 47, Fall & Winter 90- 89/ 2010- 2011. Yousefi, Safari, "ʿIlal- i Rukūd- i ʿUlūm- i ʿAḳlī dar ʿAṣr- i Saldjūḳiyyān", The Quarterly Jurisprudence & History of Civilization, No. 20, 1388/ 2009.   Manuscript profile
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        2 - Violence and Torture in the Seljukid era
        امید بهرامی نیا
        This research refers to an important aspect of the events which occurred in Seljukid era in Iran: violence, torture and hard killing. Seljukid who obtained to power from nomadism  utilized lots of torture and violence and did not observe the religious rules in inte More
        This research refers to an important aspect of the events which occurred in Seljukid era in Iran: violence, torture and hard killing. Seljukid who obtained to power from nomadism  utilized lots of torture and violence and did not observe the religious rules in interacting and dealing with others because of their nomadic temperament and their non-civil origin. They, in fact, despite standing in traditionalist groups and so called orthodox in Academic researches, neither practiced the religious rules, nor regarded the rights of people. These hard killings, tortures and inhumane behaviors, of course, did not perform just by Seljuk king, but also the competing groups and other players in the political field of their era, like Ismaili devotees, committed such violent acts.   Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative Study of Symbol: Iranian Contemporary Architecture and Seljuk (Case Study:Tombes)
        mehrvash kazemi shishavan Rana Maleki
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        4 - Seljuki's Bilingual Scholars and Persian and Arabic Changes
        Mohammad Jafari Fariborz Hosseinjanzadeh Zahra Yazdani
        Persian and Arabic languages – because of dual interactions – are affected by each other through cultural relations since ancient era. But in fifth century – especially in Seljuk's era, the mentioned effects and admixture entered both languages because More
        Persian and Arabic languages – because of dual interactions – are affected by each other through cultural relations since ancient era. But in fifth century – especially in Seljuk's era, the mentioned effects and admixture entered both languages because of scientific and literal competitions of leaders which caused their gradual development and completion. The present research which is done based on literary and historical sources as well as new researches, expresses the effective reasons and factors of two languages' development by descriptive – analytical approach; it comes to conclusion that the changes and improvement root of Persian language as a national language and Arabic as a religious and canonical language was in this era. Bilingual authors and poets as well as Seljuki's princes and royals played the most effective role in the mentioned improvement and change. The aim of the paper is to study bilingual political and literary characters of Persian and Arabic languages as well as discovering the reason of two languages' survival in the present. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A Study of the Causes of the Seljukids’ Need for Religious and Political Legitimacy in the State Structure
        Nesa Bagheri Keivan Loloye Amir Teimour Rafiiee
        The purpose of the present study is to review the causes of the Seljuk kings’ need for religious and political legitimacy in the state structure and the policy of interaction between the Seljukids and Abbasids. In this regard and using a descriptive-analytic metho More
        The purpose of the present study is to review the causes of the Seljuk kings’ need for religious and political legitimacy in the state structure and the policy of interaction between the Seljukids and Abbasids. In this regard and using a descriptive-analytic method, this question was answered: what policies and methods were undertaken by the Seljuk government to establish a powerful kingdom and acquire legitimacy from Abbasid caliphs? The results showed that the Turk Seljuks who reached power in Iran at early 5th century, like religious rulers, under the rubric of Islam ruled over Iran and made the highest use of the institution of Abbasid caliphate to justify their religious and political legitimacy and attempted to show their governance in front of people as justified, legitimate, and acceptable. This policy adopted by them had an impact on the state structure and gave direction to that. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Power relations between patriarchs and Roman Seljuq based on the theory of Thomas Hobbes
        fatemeh rostami zienab mirzajani
        Roman Seljuk or Anatolian Seljuk refers to the group of famous Seljuk sultans who, during the time of Suleiman bin Qatlamesh, gained the lands beyond Rome and Anatolia from Malik Shah, and after the fall of the Seljuks of Iran, they ruled in the northwest of Iran for a More
        Roman Seljuk or Anatolian Seljuk refers to the group of famous Seljuk sultans who, during the time of Suleiman bin Qatlamesh, gained the lands beyond Rome and Anatolia from Malik Shah, and after the fall of the Seljuks of Iran, they ruled in the northwest of Iran for a long time. The meeting of this dynasty with the Mongols in 629 and coming under the citizenship of Ilkhans is one of the main topics of this article. The results of this research show that from the perspective of Thomas Hobbs's political theory, Ilkhans were able to overcome the Roman Seljuks by relying on autocratic rule. In addition, the confrontation and interaction between Ilkhans and Seljuks can be evaluated with Hobbes's critical approach. The current research aims to investigate Hobbes's theory of government and power with an analytical and explanatory method, to examine the action and interaction of the Ilkhans and Seljuks of Anatolia.In addition, the confrontation and interaction between Ilkhans and Seljuks can be evaluated with Hobbes's critical approach. The current research aims to investigate Hobbes's theory of government and power with an analytical and explanatory method, to examine the action and interaction of the Ilkhans and Seljuks of Anatolia. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Introduction and Archaeological Analysis of Seljuk and Ilkhanid Buildings in Zanjan Province
        Arz Allah Najafi Seyed Ali Asghar Mir Fattah
        Zanjan province has been one of the important centers of political, social and cultural developments in Iran due to its special geographical location during the Islamic era, especially during the Seljuk and Ilkhanid eras, due to many reasons, this importance is doubled. More
        Zanjan province has been one of the important centers of political, social and cultural developments in Iran due to its special geographical location during the Islamic era, especially during the Seljuk and Ilkhanid eras, due to many reasons, this importance is doubled. From the Seljuk period, the remains of a number of castles and defensive fortifications along with two mosques and a mausoleum remain in Zanjan province, which makes it possible to study the evolution of the region's architecture. Further, from the Ilkhanid period, in addition to the majestic and magnificent building of the Soltanieh dome as a manifestation of the architecture of the middle ages of Islamic Iran, a tomb and the incomparable building of the Dash-Kasan temple, the remains of a large number of residential settlements and also the remains of four-story houses from the Tarem region have been identified, which shows the expansion of architectural art in the period. Ilkhani is Zanjan province. The 7th and 8th centuries AH were the prosperity period of architecture in the region. In this research, two architectural styles, Razi and Azari, have been studied on the buildings. Anyway, the results of this research indicate that during the Seljuq and Ilkhanate period, Zanjan province was one of the centers of gravity of the culture and art of Islamic Iran, especially in the architecture. Manuscript profile
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        8 - An Investigation in Atabakan of Azerbaijan's Coins Discovered in Zanjan
        Parastoo Ghasemi Andaroud
        The numismatics is an important part of archaeology which in fact is a live evidence of ancient world and different nations. It has an important role in brightening the dark and vague edge of ancient history. Every coin at every epoch, is the symbol of, customs, script, More
        The numismatics is an important part of archaeology which in fact is a live evidence of ancient world and different nations. It has an important role in brightening the dark and vague edge of ancient history. Every coin at every epoch, is the symbol of, customs, script, language, art, civilization, wealth and trade of that nation and country. In fact, in excavated sites, coins have been used to identify the history and art of the ancient world. Coin is like a valuable written document or a small book which is not only used for trade but also has a symbolic and ethic usage. In comparison with other periods, the coins of seljukids period has been studied a lot less, so such would be so valuable. This study try to present epigraphs and artistic characteristic of Seljukids period coins which is belong to Atabakan of Azerbaijan and discovered in Sojas and Varmazyar village in Zanjan. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The formation and evolution of the Anatolian mosques architecture
        Taymour Akbari
        In the 5th AH / 11th AD century, the Seljuk government was formed in Iran, and over time, they were able to defeat the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad and the Eastern Roman empire in Anatolia. Before the 5th AH / 11th AD, the Anatolian region was under the domination of the More
        In the 5th AH / 11th AD century, the Seljuk government was formed in Iran, and over time, they were able to defeat the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad and the Eastern Roman empire in Anatolia. Before the 5th AH / 11th AD, the Anatolian region was under the domination of the Christian Romans and the churches were considered the religious architecture in this region. The purpose of this research is to investigate the evolution of Seljuks of Rum and Ottoman mosque architecture and the influencing factors in the formation of mosque architecture in the Anatolian region, which was carried out by field, library and descriptive, adaptive and analytical approaches. The results show that the architecture of early Islamic mosques , Roman architecture and Seljuks of Iran played a significant role in the formation of Seljuk architecture in Anatolia , and local architecture played an important role in the formation and evolution of Anatolian mosque architecture Manuscript profile
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        10 - Analysis of the functions, concepts, structure and ornamentation of the Khosrogerd minaret of Sabzevar, 6th century AH
        lotfolah kargariarian mohamad khazaei ahmad salehi kakhki
        Minaret in Islamic architecture has almost a lifetime in the history of Islam Considering the rulers, this architectural element has become one of the hallmarks of Islamic power, with its various functions appearing in various forms throughout the Islamic world In the S More
        Minaret in Islamic architecture has almost a lifetime in the history of Islam Considering the rulers, this architectural element has become one of the hallmarks of Islamic power, with its various functions appearing in various forms throughout the Islamic world In the Seljuk period, minarets were used for use such as the path finding mill and memorial of the victory During this period, the minarets with many ornamentation and various inscriptions had played the role of expressing of the concepts desired by their creators.This article aims to achieve a cognition of Khasrogerd minaret in Sabzevar during the Seljuk period and seeks to identify its function and its implications in its recognition In this path, it has also been paid to the nature of this virtu and the research is resulted to the conclusion that The Khosrogerd minaret was an independent minaret, commissioned by Abolqhasem Ali ebn Saeid, the governor of Sultan Sanjar, in the year 505 AH on the way to Nasabur. This minaret is constructed with two inscription strips on the Kofi line with a lacquered bricks style With the themes of the command of construction and verse of the Qur'an,Simultaneously, with the help of travelers, by resorting to possibility of orienting its structure with passers-by, it is based on the power located in the region, the religion based on the place and the city limits.Also, by choosing the 11th verse of the Sura Juma, fillip a religion-driven flip to the lovers of the zar roads. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The role of the institution of the ministry in the relationship between the Iraqi Seljuk monarchy and the Abbasid caliphate.
        Parviz Hosseini seyed abolghasem foroozani
        Abstract The institution of the ministry, considered as the most premier institution and the head of the monarchy and caliphate bureaucratic system, played an important role in the relationship between the Iraqi Seljuk monarchy and the Abbasid caliphate. These relations More
        Abstract The institution of the ministry, considered as the most premier institution and the head of the monarchy and caliphate bureaucratic system, played an important role in the relationship between the Iraqi Seljuk monarchy and the Abbasid caliphate. These relationships, which lasted for nearly 80years (511 to 590 AH), were divided into three distinct historical periods in terms of their ministerial role and the extent to which the ministers succeeded in empowering monarchy or caliphate. Although some well-known ministers such as ab-ol ghasem Dargozini in the first period and Kamal-ol-din mohammad Khazen in the second period, played an important role in this realationship, they didn’t succeed as much as Awnad-Din ibn Hubayra did in the third period. The purpose of this article is to examine the historical and political conditions of the Iraqi Seljuk government and the Abbasid caliphate system in a descriptive-analytical manner, while analyzing the role of the ministry in the structure of their government, to answer the question why the ingenious ministers of the first and Second period of these relations did not succeed in establishing governmental authority. The results of the present study showed that although the role of ministers in any government structure has been high or low according to their merits and abilities, but without other factors of power, such as monarchy or powerful caliphate and an organized state organization, no minister, even the most skillful of them did not succeed. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Investigating the indices of Sassanid metalwork art and the degree of influence of Seljuqs from Sassanids
        Farnaz Dehghani Ismail Agha Mahaleh amir akbari امید سپهری
        Abstract The Sasanian era is one of the most brilliant periods of Iranian art before Islam. Sasanian metalwork art has a great value because it was influenced by ancient artistic elements and in other words, it was cast in the form of taste and taste of Sasanian era More
        Abstract The Sasanian era is one of the most brilliant periods of Iranian art before Islam. Sasanian metalwork art has a great value because it was influenced by ancient artistic elements and in other words, it was cast in the form of taste and taste of Sasanian era Iran. This art to some extent followed the traditions of the Achaemenians and especially the Parthians and after the emergence of Islam and the Arab conquests until the time we are discussing (the Seljuks) and even after that, the art of metalworking directly received this influence from ancient Iran. In this article, we aim to investigate the indicators of Sasanian metalwork art and the degree of influence of the Seljuks from the Sasanians using the historical research method. The review of sources and articles shows that Sasanian metalwork works have different formal, role, decorative and structural characteristics. Among them, the influences and inspirations of the form and role, in addition to the Islamic periods, are more visible in the Seljuk period. Because the Iranians had a rich civilizational background, and the conquering Arabs and other conquerors encouraged them to immediately use this cultural heritage and use the same features and indicators of the past metalworking art, which was manifested in a magnificent and excellent way in the created works. And it continued. Key words: Sassanians, metalworking, Seljuks Manuscript profile
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        13 - Islamic culture and educational institutions in Seljuk era
        gholamreza montzve
        Toghrol Beik established a huge Empire with his succor and ambition in 429-455 AH. Then, his descendants; i.e. Alp Arsalan (495-566 AH) and Malekshah Saljuki (485-495 AH) have prevailed the peace and security on their social and political dominion, with the help of thei More
        Toghrol Beik established a huge Empire with his succor and ambition in 429-455 AH. Then, his descendants; i.e. Alp Arsalan (495-566 AH) and Malekshah Saljuki (485-495 AH) have prevailed the peace and security on their social and political dominion, with the help of their tactful and famouse minister's experiences – Khaaje Nezamolmolk Tousi- and then have reached the power and greatness of the Empire to the highest point. The learning spirits of rulers and their interest to build the welfare institutions, mosques, carvanserais, libraries, academic homes, hospitals, school houses; good management and competency of Iranian cultured ministers – particularly Khaaje Nezamol molk Toosi (485 AH)- provided a new chapter in the history of Islamic culture, especially the formation of scientific centers and schools that distinguish this age from previous periods so this age called: '' The Establishment Of School Movement ''. The movement that began in Baghdad with establishing the first Nezamieh school(459AH) and it wasn't long before its results and effects involved the social and political realm of the Abbasian Caliphate and Islamic east; during the cultural exchange, it turned to the model and example for scientific centers and ancient universities of Europe. Besides school ,other educational institutions such as: mosques, libraries, scholars' homes, hospitals, school houses have played an effective role in Islamic culture; developing and expanding of science and technology and training the scholars and scientists that this article attempt to introduce these institutions and cultural outstanding personage in this age as a brief. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Funeral role in determining relationships and Abbasid Caliph Sultan Muhammad Kharazm
        alireza karimi mizhan parvan
        Expansion of political, social and cultural center of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad Shiite domination of Buwayhid flourished and continued to fall in the process was also hampered Buwayhid. By the time of the Seljuk rule Tkapvhay Kharazmshahiyan This process was acce More
        Expansion of political, social and cultural center of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad Shiite domination of Buwayhid flourished and continued to fall in the process was also hampered Buwayhid. By the time of the Seljuk rule Tkapvhay Kharazmshahiyan This process was accelerated. Seems to be a growing political conflict After the fall of the Ghaznavid and Seljuk military Kharazmshahiyan the Abbasid Caliphate, the areas suitable for development activities at this time Shiite, has provided comprehensive. Establishment of religious schools, writing several works on jurisprudence and interpretation of Shiite scholars, Shiites in Turkish bureaucracy, even in official Turkish Sultans and Abbasid Caliphate, and special attention to the role of the Shia in the political equations in the time, The point of this article is to review and findings. Various Shia sects, and the interrelationships of the Abbasid Caliphate Kharazmshahiyan play an effective role. The issue, for various reasons in the face of the Abbasid Caliph al- Nasser Sultan Muhammad Kharazm is important.Regardless of which side of the Ismaili Shia Muslim caliphate and to be Kharazmshahiyan Ygrnd, other Shiites both have leading roles are. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The interior and exterior politics NASER O DIN O ALLAH , that the organize islamic realms.
        ebrahim bavafa
        ABOL ABBAS AHMAD EBNE MOSTAFE ,titular to NASER O DIN O ALLAH ,  that this age  was longer than all of the ABBASIAN prelates , he does efforts about rang interior and exterior politics that requisition the forepast grandeur caliphate like to  the first pr More
        ABOL ABBAS AHMAD EBNE MOSTAFE ,titular to NASER O DIN O ALLAH ,  that this age  was longer than all of the ABBASIAN prelates , he does efforts about rang interior and exterior politics that requisition the forepast grandeur caliphate like to  the first priod. The struggle succession between  seljuks off and the  expansionism KHARAZM SHAHIAN government and do controversy those with GHORIAN government beside ,creation the best opportunity for realize wishing prelate for raise the caliphate sinker to topic the best diplomacy position in that moslemism world. He with constitution unionist together ZANGIAN and AYYOBIAN against the joint enemy ,cruciates , in the EGYPT , he can establishment the permeance caliphate that the realms , use of those like to apologetic block to christion aggressives and with do it  and free plane becam federate together IRAN'S  ESMAELIAN and GHORIAN against KHARAZMI government and horness those power. In the article ,do effort  reader , after the valuate churchly and scientific life's NASER ,check the collection actions him that the forty seven years age caliphare that the rang  interior and exterior politics in the based onward to government political goals. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The factor of Seljuk’s attention ceremony and ancient traditions
        Amir Akbari
        The seljuk’sage is one of the important periods of Iran history and Asia minor.  Entry this population factor to Asia history area was accompany with major political and cultural developments. The Seljuk were first government among the Islamic states that car More
        The seljuk’sage is one of the important periods of Iran history and Asia minor.  Entry this population factor to Asia history area was accompany with major political and cultural developments. The Seljuk were first government among the Islamic states that carried the their  government  territorial  till Byzantine borders and recovered the greatness of  ancient empire. In regard  this success, the Seljuk applied multiple  effort into cultural  look  and  attention  to manner  and  ancient  tradition. Seljuk‘s  attention for the creation  a great  empire  must be combined  with emphasis  on all  of  the  political, administrative  and cultural  structures. Being  BoghazKoy   inscription  in 1400  B.C into Ankara has the mark  of attention  to gods  and  ancient olden  rituals in this lands. Nowruz  celebration- Sadeh celebration and Mehregan  celebration  with itself  ancient history  was people‘s  attention of Asia central  till Asia minor. So, Seljuk into manage of the wide lands, addition creation a religious unity make efforts to cultural unity  and emphasis on ancient traditions. Khayyam‘s effort for foundation an exact calendar without error and complexity was more on necessity return Nowruz to itself real  time, namely ,first month Farvardin in per year. All of the efforts can not except, in the Seljuk ‘s power and Seljuk ‘s attention. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The relationship between the Abbasid and Seljuq
        Abullhassan Shahvari
        After the defeat of last resistance, of Sasanid dependent territories by Arabs, Iran became a part of eastern section of caliphate territory. In order to govern the section, at the beginnings, some agents who were plenipotentiaries, were sent there by khalifa. After Ta More
        After the defeat of last resistance, of Sasanid dependent territories by Arabs, Iran became a part of eastern section of caliphate territory. In order to govern the section, at the beginnings, some agents who were plenipotentiaries, were sent there by khalifa. After Taherid era some chang took place in relationship between those governers and khalifa. From taherid period some semi-independent governer took shape which taheryan was one of them. In Yagub leyth period Emyrat of Estekfa chang to Istilae. In this kind of governer ship , the governer got much power and even the could interfere in khalifa appointment or euendismissing them. Since ale Buyid era, the made up a god relationship with caliphate and they recognized caliphate, and vice versa. Those relations improved in Slajugh period , so that khalifa and  sultan would compel monetarily. In current research it has been tried to illustrate the relations between Malek shah Seljuk, the gratest Seljuk sultan who got the throne with the assistance khajeh Nezamalmulk, with khalifa almgtdy. Since this the relations have not been mention has not been cited clearly in historical books. I have tried to examine it through other related sources.  Manuscript profile
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        18 - The role of tribes in the pillars of the Seljuk Corps (431-552 AH)
        Nosratollah Taherklani Korosh Fathi Boshra Delrish Ali Zakeri
        The Seljuks, themselves one of the 22 tribes of the Turkmen Oghuz, invaded the eastern borders of the Abbasid Caliphate with an alliance between the Turkmen tribes and the Turkic tribes, establishing the first tribal government in the Islamic period. For this reason, th More
        The Seljuks, themselves one of the 22 tribes of the Turkmen Oghuz, invaded the eastern borders of the Abbasid Caliphate with an alliance between the Turkmen tribes and the Turkic tribes, establishing the first tribal government in the Islamic period. For this reason, they gave a special role to the Turkmen and Turks in their military organization. The purpose of this study is to recognize and study the role of different tribes in the pillars of the great Seljuk army. The research method is historical and descriptive-analytical in the theoretical framework of the system and tribal identity. After describing the invasion of Turkmen and Turkic tribes, especially from the fourth century and the disappearance of the eastern borders of Iran, the role of each tribe in the Seljuk corps was analyzed and it was concluded that after the establishment of the Seljuk government and Iranian cooperation with them in administration The government gradually diminished the role of the Turkmen and Turkic tribes in the Seljuk army and was replaced by trained cavalry from Turkish slaves. This issue, along with the increase of Turkmen and Turkic tribes in many parts of Transoxiana and Greater Khorasan during this period, as well as the rebellious spirit of Turkmen rulers, created challenges between the central government and the tribes, which eventually weakened and overthrew the Seljuk rule by the tribes. Turkmen became Oghuz. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Factors of Conflict Between The Ismailis And The Seljuks: Results and Outcomes
        mohammad najafi hasan shadpoor mahbibeh esmaeili
        The main opposition of the Ismailis' government and thought were the Abbasid Caliphate and the Seljuk monarchy. The Ismailis didn't stop to react and utilized any opportunity to harm them, especially the Seljuk government which was accessible for the Ismailis. The outco More
        The main opposition of the Ismailis' government and thought were the Abbasid Caliphate and the Seljuk monarchy. The Ismailis didn't stop to react and utilized any opportunity to harm them, especially the Seljuk government which was accessible for the Ismailis. The outcome of such conflict was confrontation, positions based on conflict a between the Ismailis and the Seljuks. Thus, studying the background of this continuous and pervasive conflict is an undeniable necessity which will reveal a part of Iran's political and intellectual history. Therefore, the current research investigates the Ismailis movement and its ties and conflict with the Seljuk government by using an analytical- descriptive method. Also, their positions will be studied in different viewpoints. The results of the current research indicated that the relationship of the big Sunni government of the Seljuks with the Ismailis was established as based on the attitude of jurisprudence school of the Sunni scholars. In addition, the lack of a peaceful solution to express dissatisfaction was one of the main reasons for the violence of the Ismaili sect and its conflict with the Seljuk government, the most important result and consequence of which was the radicalization of the political atmosphere and the Ismailis' resorting to terror. The opposite point of this situation was the neglect of the opportunity for dialogue, the use of force to suppress the opposition and the application of social, political, religious and cultural pressures, discrimination and social restrictions by the Seljuks. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Nasrollah Monshi’s approach to the didactic literature in Seljugh era
        عبدالرضا مدرس زاده محبوبه خراسانی فاطمه نعنافروش
        The venerable book of KelilehVa Demneh is one of the most influential Persian Literary texts which tries to render human’s essential needs and serious words in animal language. Besides all issues which can be considered as the frame-work of creating the translatio More
        The venerable book of KelilehVa Demneh is one of the most influential Persian Literary texts which tries to render human’s essential needs and serious words in animal language. Besides all issues which can be considered as the frame-work of creating the translation, it seems that the political changes and ultimately the era disorders have persuaded the translator to render some of the pains and difficulties in animals’ language. Furthermore, it can be understood that this chapter has been appended to the main text. It is true that Seljuk had governed Iran without any worthiness and qualification. This kind of disorder and ascendancy was so difficult for educational and thoughtful people. In the light of political changes, Nasrollah Monshi has managed to expand his book style to criticize behaviors, at least in the chapter of thought reflection. He has even managed to teach the Seljuk ignoble kings in animals’ languages .The translator’s art is to depict the status of society by means of fables which is not his own interest. It is obvious just when you listen to the translator’s cries in the text and introduction of the book. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Recognizing the interaction of structure and architecture inspired by the architecture of the Seljuk period
        esmaeil eskandari mohsen vafamehr ali khaki
        Today, the interaction of structure and architecture is one of the issues that has attracted the attention of many designers. In the traditional architecture of Iran, the process of interaction between structure and architecture was continuous and completely integrated. More
        Today, the interaction of structure and architecture is one of the issues that has attracted the attention of many designers. In the traditional architecture of Iran, the process of interaction between structure and architecture was continuous and completely integrated. But due to the changes resulting from the age of industry and under the influence of technology, in recent centuries, this matter has been discussed among researchers. The aim of the current research is to recognize the interaction of architecture and structure inspired by the Seljuk period, so as to achieve a favorable interaction between architecture and structure.The research method was qualitative content analysis method and combined strategies and collection and analyzes were done through library studies. The results of the research indicate that that the relationship between structure and architecture in contemporary buildings is often of the type of structure as form And in the ideation and design of buildings, less attention is paid to the role of the structure as an active element in the organization of the space from the aesthetic and visual aspect and Its stability aspect is mainly considered. In the interaction between the structure and traditional architecture, the discussion is about the participation of the form in fulfilling the needs of the construction of the structure, Also, the use of symmetry in form design brings ease in design and construction. It is also an understanding of the behavior of the structure in the form that in all cases it is possible to witness the compliance of the form with the overall shape and format of the structure by using symmetry. Manuscript profile