• List of Articles SVD

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Improving the security of image watermarking based on the combination of discrete wavelet transform, singular value decomposition and discrete cosine conversion methods
        hossein nematizadeh Mohammad Tahghighi Sharabian
        Introduction: One of the methods of ensuring information security is the use of encryption methods, but these methods are not able to hide the existence of information. In order to hide information, algorithms called Steganography have been created. Steganography&n More
        Introduction: One of the methods of ensuring information security is the use of encryption methods, but these methods are not able to hide the existence of information. In order to hide information, algorithms called Steganography have been created. Steganography is the method of hiding important data in a file or ordinary message, in order to prevent detection by others. This secret information is extracted to the original state at the destination. The use of Steganography can be combined with encryption as an additional step to hide or protect data. Steganography can be used to hide almost any type of digital content, including text, images, video, or audio content. Often the content to be hidden is encrypted before the Steganography process to provide an extra layer of protection. Steganography is more focused on keeping information hidden, while cryptography is more involved with the issue of ensuring access to information. According to the type of cover signal and also the insertion algorithm, different steganography methods have been presented, which in terms of hiding capacity and security are different. This issue has also led to reproduction, redistribution, and illegal digital media. Since copying and changing digital data has become easy and undetectable, its investigation is also of great importance.Method: In this article, a new method for non-blind image hiding that is resistant to affine transformation and normal image manipulation is used. The proposed Steganography method is based on additive discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition. After using RWDT for overlay and hidden images, we use SVD for their LL subbands. Then we modify the singular values of the overlay image using the singular values of the visual masker.Result: Analytical studies on the extracted watermarked image show that the Steganography method is capable and resistant against Salt & Pepper attacks with a scale of 0.1 out of 1.0 and Gaussian attack with a rate of 0.01 and the watermarked image is well recovered. Discussion: One of the most common cryptography techniques in the field of transformation is the modification of the coefficients obtained from the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the image mask. The proposed algorithm has a good performance against rotation and cutting attacks, also the Steganography based on multiple SVD has performed poorly against these two attacks.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A numerical approach for solving a nonlinear inverse di usion problem by Tikhonov regularization
        H. Molhem R. Pourgholi M. Borghei
        In this paper, we propose an algorithm for numerical solving an inverse non-linear di usion problem. In additional, the least-squares method is adopted to nd the solution. To regularize the resultant ill-conditioned linear system ofequations, we apply the Tikhonov regul More
        In this paper, we propose an algorithm for numerical solving an inverse non-linear di usion problem. In additional, the least-squares method is adopted to nd the solution. To regularize the resultant ill-conditioned linear system ofequations, we apply the Tikhonov regularization method to obtain the stablenumerical approximation to the solution. Some numerical experiments con- rm the utility of this algorithm as the results are in good agreement with theexact data. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Novel Image Watermarking Robustness Improving Algorithm Based on Combination of Wavelet and Singular Value Decomposition Transforms Against Noisy and Compression Attacks
        Mohsen Ghaemizadeh Hossein Pourghasem Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab Ahmad Keshavarz
        Watermarking is used to protect copyright proof. Robustness index is the most important parameter that evaluates watermarking algorithm against different attacks such as noise and compression. In this paper, a novel semi- blind image watermarking algorithm based on join More
        Watermarking is used to protect copyright proof. Robustness index is the most important parameter that evaluates watermarking algorithm against different attacks such as noise and compression. In this paper, a novel semi- blind image watermarking algorithm based on joint wavelet transform (WT) and singular value decomposition (SVD) transform is proposed. In this algorithm, a new strategy is used to joint WT and SVD effectively. The most important advantage of this algorithm is robustness against a number of common attacks. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves evaluation parameters more than other methods presented previously in the literature. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Proposing a New Image Watermarking Method Using Shearlet Transform and GWO Algorithm
        Mahdi Saadati Javad Vahidi Vahid Seydi Peyman Sheikholharam Mashhadi
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Solution Towards to Detract Cold Start in Recommender Systems Dealing with Singular Value Decomposition
        Keyvan Vahidy Rodpysh Seyed Javad Mirabedini Touraj Banirostam
      • Open Access Article

        6 - شناسایی ترک با تحلیل فرکانسهای طبیعی سازه با استفاده از شبکه‌های عصبی نوع GMDH و سیستم عصبی- فازی ANFIS
        منصور درویزه نادر نریمانزاده علی ملیحی دیزگاه مهدی جوادزاده رضا انصاری
        وجود ترک در سازه، موجب نرمی محلی و تغییر در خواص سختی و رفتار دینامیکی سازه می‌شود. رفتار دینامیکی سازه دارای ترک، به عمق و مکان ترک بستگی دارد؛ از این رو می توان برای شناسایی عمق و مکان ترک از تغییرات رفتار دینامیکی سازه ناشی از ترک، استفاده نمود. در این مقاله ابتدا سه More
        وجود ترک در سازه، موجب نرمی محلی و تغییر در خواص سختی و رفتار دینامیکی سازه می‌شود. رفتار دینامیکی سازه دارای ترک، به عمق و مکان ترک بستگی دارد؛ از این رو می توان برای شناسایی عمق و مکان ترک از تغییرات رفتار دینامیکی سازه ناشی از ترک، استفاده نمود. در این مقاله ابتدا سه فرکانس طبیعی اول یک تیر یکسردرگیر که یک ترک سطحی باز برای ده عمق ترک مختلف و برای سی مکان مختلف در آن ایجاد شده است، با استفاده از تحلیل المان محدود محاسبه می شوند. سپس نتایج حاصل از تحلیل المان محدود به عنوان ورودی شبکه عصبی نوع GMDH و همچنین سیستم استنتاج تطبیقی عصبی- فازی ANFIS  برای مدلسازی و پیش بینی عمق و مکان ترک مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. این روشها برای یک تیر ایزوتروپیک یکسرگیردار مورد بررسی و ارزیابی قرار گرفته است که نتایج حاصل، توانایی مطلوب روشهای ارائه شده را نشان می دهد. Manuscript profile