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        1 - Take a look of Mozaffar al-Din Shah trip to Vienna and Budapest
        mohamad nabi salim Duman Riyazi
        Undoubtedly, one of the events that makes the Iranian shows up to date and makes iranian theater enter to the western world, is happend and started with the visit of the kings and courtiers of the Qajar period. What is certain is that Nasser-al-Din Shah, was the first More
        Undoubtedly, one of the events that makes the Iranian shows up to date and makes iranian theater enter to the western world, is happend and started with the visit of the kings and courtiers of the Qajar period. What is certain is that Nasser-al-Din Shah, was the first king who stepped into the Christian lands, and he has a major role in transfering the new theater culture to Iran. The young king was heavily influenced by Iranian art so the relationship he had with both iranian and foreign artists, made him a king with a special political and artistic character. It was clearly undrestood from Shah's interest in watching a play, his behavior with the actors and his way of caring and helping in construct theather builindgs. These happenings did not end there, with his death and transfering the kingdom to his son Mozafar al-Din Shah,he continue his father's way by the journeys that his minister provided. Atabak,his minister, provided the basis for the king's journey to three diffrent parts of Europe by increasing taxes and taking numerous loans from the Russian and British governments. The first trip of Mozaffar al-Din Shah was to Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, France in 1900. The king, like his father, had a special intrests in music and various forms theater. In this section i will study one of Mozaffar al-Din Shah's journeys to Austrian Empire between two cities of Vienna and Budapest. Manuscript profile