List of Articles Naringenin Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A study of the effect of Naringinin derived amyloid and animal curvature and applied with 6-hydroxydopamine dermatosis in Parkinson's disease BAHAR haghani Maryam khosravi jalal solati ramin haji Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - protective effect of Naringenin (Citrus flavonone) on incipient diabetic nephropathy in the rats with alloxan-induced diabetes Yousef Doustar رامین Kaffash Elahi داریوش Mohajeri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Study on protective effect of Naringenin (Citrus flavonone) on incipient diabetic hepatopathy in alloxan-induced diabetic rats daryoush mohajeri ghafour mousavi ramin kaffashielahi mehrdad neshatgharamaleki Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Preventive effects of Naringenin (Citrus flavonone) on intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury in the rat ghafour mousavi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - بیان ژن ایزومراز کالکون در مراحل مختلف گلدهی اطلسی و رنگهای مختلف گل فاطمه کیخا آخر عبدالرضا باقری نسرین مشتاقی مسعود فخرفشانی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Synthesis of nanoporous molecularly imprinted polymers for extraction of naringenin compound مینا هویه گر علیرضا امیری محسن جهانشاهی