List of Articles Movable property Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The right of Shofeh over transferable property and Non-transferable property Indivisible mohammadreza Kazemi Nafchi dawood Nasiran sayyed mohammad hadi mahdavi reza abbasian 10.30495/jijl.2021.17271 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Coherence of law, jurisprudence and ethics under the principle of coherence to prove preference in indivisible movable and immovable property Shofeh dawood Nasiran Mohammadreza kazemi nafchi sayyed mohammad hadi mahdavi reza abbasian 10.30495/jijl.2022.66592.1533 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Realty development issue with regard to amending some articles of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran بتول مغفوری فرسنگی عصمت السادات طباطبایی لطفی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - The right of Shofeh in movable and immovable property indivisible in Imami jurisprudence dawood nassiran mohammadreza kazemi nafchi sayyedmohammadhadi Mahdavi reza abbasian 10.22034/ijrj.2023.708083