List of Articles Mental rumination Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effectiveness of Behavioral Activation on mental rumination, emotion regulation and psychological symptoms in female patients with high blood pressure in the health care industry of the northwestern oil industry Alireza Agdamibaher Ali Khademi Ali Shaker Dolag 10.30495/jwsf.2023.1971728.1761 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The relationship components of meta-worry, rumination and psychological flexibility with obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders Zahra Alikhani mojtaba amirimajd Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The effectiveness of Behavioral Activation on mental rumination, emotion regulation and psychological symptoms in female patients with high blood pressure in the health care industry of the northwestern oil industry Alireza Agdamibaher ali khademi