List of Articles Meaning therapy Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Cognitive analysis of self-awareness of a healthy personality based on Viktor Frankl's theory: a case study of the novels of Savushun and Anna Karenina Fatemeh Yahoseini Moosavi Soheyla mousavisirjani Afsaneh lotfiazimi 10.30495/rpcl.2023.701084 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Life Skills and Logo Therapy Training on Psychological Well-being and Maternal Parenting Stress of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability Masoumeh Sarhangi Seyyed Davood Hosseini Nasab Amir panahali 10.30495/jwsf.2023.1967571.1740 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A historical journey in mystical teachings in Rumi's Masnavi Fatemeh Haj Zain Al-Abedin Kamel Ahmadinejad Farideh Mohseni Hanjani Afsaneh Lotfi Azimi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Combining mysticism and meaning therapy in Rumi's Masnavi and reflecting the concepts of the Qur'an in it Fatemeh Haj Zeinolabedin Kamel Ahmadnezhad Farideh Mohseni Hanjani Afsaneh Lotfi Azimi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The Effectiveness of Semantic Therapy Training on the Feeling of Loneliness in the Elderly (Case Study: Nursing Home for the Center of Tehran) Maryam Vatani Tahereh Hasoomi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Comparing the effectiveness of Logo therapy and mindfulness based on cognitive therapy on the psychological capital of depressed adolescents Elahwh Zangiyan