• List of Articles Lalla

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Pessimism in Abulalalla ‌Ma`arri and Abdulrahman Shokri's Poetry
        Hadi Nazari Monazzam Khatereh Ahmadi
        Pessimism is a mental and emotional state. It originates from sadness, despair, the negative outlook on life and the causes for the pessimism are the human failure and negligence against his ambitions and aspirations on the one hand and the other hand is suffering from More
        Pessimism is a mental and emotional state. It originates from sadness, despair, the negative outlook on life and the causes for the pessimism are the human failure and negligence against his ambitions and aspirations on the one hand and the other hand is suffering from mental problems and unstable social and political situation in the country. This pessimism was common among poets of different periods. Abolala alMaerri is one of poets who belonged to the Abbasid era whose  poetry is pessimistic because of his life conditions. Also Abdolrahman­ Shokri has a tendency to pessimism due to the impact of social and political conditions that governed during  his n time and his inclination to read Khayyam and Maarri,s poetry in new period. This paper attempts to examine the aspects of pessimism in the poetry of Aboalalla ­Maarri and Abdolrahman­ Shokri, public and their  private factors that effect his life and thought that they would appear in a negative form in their poetry. The results suggest that health problems such as blindness, isolation from society, political and social conditions have affected the lives of the two poets and make them pessimist. In addition to these, there are some commonalities in these  poets such as death, grief of the world, despair, determinism, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Concept of "Escape" in Desert, A Novel by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio
        Elham Sajadi
        The heroes of Le Clezio novels escape from themselves and the unfavorable conditions around them each in some way; an escape not for reaching the pleasant materialistic and living conditions rather they wish wholeheartedly to return to their own essence & origin &nd More
        The heroes of Le Clezio novels escape from themselves and the unfavorable conditions around them each in some way; an escape not for reaching the pleasant materialistic and living conditions rather they wish wholeheartedly to return to their own essence & origin – to their source and first home i.e. their own "self". And by this excuse they wish again to find refugee in the origins from which they had escaped. The identity crisis is one of the main axis of all Le Clezio's novels. The heroes of his novels hate their alien identity and the mask which wear on their face and are looking for their real identity each in some way. In the present paper, we try to fall in step with "Lalla", the hero of "Desert"; and we enter her world with herself. She who is annoyed, sick and tired of living amidst the stone, steel and asphalt, busy streets, high buildings and skyscrapers finds the only way of freedom and peace in returning to the desert. By studying the feelings, memories and loneliness of the hero and other characters and their sorrow in exile, we understand the concept of "escape from oneself" for them. It's noteworthy that today returning to the self is one of the important issues for the thinkers and researchers. In this query we try to examine different aspects of "Escape" for Le Clezio especially in his novel "Desert". Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The spiritual journey of Sanai and Abolalla
        mahdi Salmani
        The characteristics of human beings for creating imaginations and the attempt for escaping from worldly limitations led him to think paranormally. The manifestation of this thinking is a form of literature which is called spiritual itinerary or itinerary to another worl More
        The characteristics of human beings for creating imaginations and the attempt for escaping from worldly limitations led him to think paranormally. The manifestation of this thinking is a form of literature which is called spiritual itinerary or itinerary to another world. This literature is very noticeable in world and every culture has some types of it. There are some masterpieces in this style in the Islamic literature which somehow reflected in European literature and affect it. Just as Dante's Divine comedy which reflected in the works like Erdaveiraf Nameh, Fotoohat Makiyeh and etc….. We can claim that all works of this type dates bakes to ascending of Prophet Mohammad. Among Islamic spiritual itinerary, there are two masterpieces, namely; Seyr al- 'ebad elal-ma 'adof Sana'i and Moayeri's Thesis of Alghofran Abolala which have different points of view. These two masterpieces haven't been analyzed properly due to their complex structures and thoughts of their writers. In this article, the attempt is firstly to introduce theses two journeys and then to find common features of them. Therefore, the similarities and differences of these two journeys are presented within the limits of all spiritual journeys for those who are interested. Manuscript profile