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        1 - Molavi’s Artistic Viewpoint of Quran and Hadis in Kolliyaat-e Shams
        Badrie Ghavami
        In Islamic Theology and Moslem’s Literature, Quran and Hadis are two primary rich and complete sources which poets and writers have inspired  from constantly through the history. Molavi is one of the poets of Persian language who has benefited from them in an More
        In Islamic Theology and Moslem’s Literature, Quran and Hadis are two primary rich and complete sources which poets and writers have inspired  from constantly through the history. Molavi is one of the poets of Persian language who has benefited from them in an artistic manner. Artistic selection and picking some verses and prophet’s sayings has made Molavi more successful than other poets in connecting with the audience; this issue has made Molavi’s Ghazaliaate specific and different in comparison with other poet’s Ghazaliaat. Although, this way of application is also observed in Sanaaie’s and Attar’s poem, it has noticeable frequency in kolliyaat-e- Shams  and has particular variety there. This means that Molavi has now and then interfered in expressions of verses and prophet’s sayings or their meaning or he has sometimes used verses and prophet’s sayings in a meaning other than their real meaning. Molavi’s particular art lies in the type of entangling these phrases with other words of poems to make compound adjectives and nouns. The writer of this article has investigated some poems of Kolliyaat-e- Shams as a sample here and has shown how the poet has used verses and prophet’s saying and their artistic reflection. This is in order to linguistically artistic landscapes of Molavi’s Ghazals to the audiences. Manuscript profile