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        1 - Investigating the Effectiveness f Counseling Based on Extramarital Relationships on Marital Instability in Couples with Extramarital Relationships
        زکیه نصیری نازنین هنرپروران فاطمه جواد زاده شهشهانی سیامک سامانی
        AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of counseling based onextramarital relationships on marital instability in couples with extramarital relationships.The research design was semi-experimental, pre-test-post-test with a control group. Th More
        AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of counseling based onextramarital relationships on marital instability in couples with extramarital relationships.The research design was semi-experimental, pre-test-post-test with a control group. Thestatistical population included all couples with extramarital relationships who referred tocounseling centers in Shiraz in 2021. 32 couples were selected as a sample by purposivesampling and were randomly assigned to an experimental group (16 couples) and a controlgroup (16 couples). The intervention group underwent 60-minute extramarital relationshiptherapy in 11 sessions, once a week but no action was taken on the control group. Theresearch tools of marriage instability were Edward, Johnson and Alan Booth (1987). Dataanalysis was done with descriptive tests (mean and standard deviation) and univariatecovariance analysis using SPSS version 23 software. It showed that the treatment ofextramarital relationships had an effect on the stability of marriage in unfaithful couples (P< 0.001). According to the results of this research, the treatment of extramaritalrelationships can be used to reduce the problems of couples and increase the stability oftheir lives through increasing the individual's insight into himself and the awareness of whymarital infidelity occurs and escalates. Manuscript profile