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        1 - A Critical Study on Patricia Crone’s Views as a Revisionist
        Sepideh Nosrati Ghorban Elmi naser gozashteh
        Patricia Crone’s views as a revisionist have profoundly influenced on Islamic studies, particularly on historical investigations of early Islam. Crone, influenced by the former critical studies, questioned the validity of traditional Islamic sources and sought to More
        Patricia Crone’s views as a revisionist have profoundly influenced on Islamic studies, particularly on historical investigations of early Islam. Crone, influenced by the former critical studies, questioned the validity of traditional Islamic sources and sought to find the most important historical factors such as the collecting of Qur’an, Muhammad's life and the association of Islam with other religions based on non-Islamic tradition. Reviewing Crone’s sources and methods and inspecting her loyalty to the methods of critical study as well as the results of adopting this approach, shows that her reconstruction of the history of early Islam is based on sources and claims that their accuracy, originality and authenticity cannot be proven and therefore her views are historically in doubt. References Cook, Michael, Muhammad, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1983. Crone, Patricia, “Zindigī-nāma-yi Khūdniwisht”, Trans. Masoud Jafari Jazi, Bukhārā, Vol.18, No.108, Mihr & Ābān 1394/ September & October 2015. Crone, Patricia, Cook, Michael, Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1980. Idem, Roman Provincial and Islamic Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Idem, Slaves on Horses: the Evolution of the Islamic Polity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Idem, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam, New Jersey, Gorgias Press, 2004. Idem, “What do we actually know about Mohammed?”, retrieved from:https://www.opendemocracy.net/faith-urope_islam/mohammed_3866.jsp Donner, Fred M., Muhammad and the believers, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Idem, “Review of Hagarism”, Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin, V.40 2006. DSB (Dictionary of Scientific Biography), s.v. “Māshā’allāh”, by: David Pinger, New York, Simon and Schuster Macmillan, 1981. Holmberg, Bo, “Hagarism Revisited”, in: Verbum et calamu, Semitic and Related Studies in Honour of the Sixtieth Birthday of Professor Tapani Harviainen, Studia Orientalia 99, ed. by Juusola, Hannu; Laulainen, Juha and Palva, HeikkI, Helsinki: The Finnish Oriental Society, 2004. Hoyland, Robert G., Seeing Islam as Others saw it: a Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam, Princeton, New Jersey, the Darwin Press, 1997. Ibid, “Writing the biography of the Prophet Muhammad: Problems and Solutions”, History Compass, V.5 (8 February 2007). Humphreys, R. Stephen, Islamic History, London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 1995. Liaquat Ali Khan, “Hagarism: The Story of a Book Written by Infidels for Infidels”, retrieved from: http://archive.thedailystar.net/2006/04/28/d60428020635.htm Mazor, Amir, “The Kitab futuh al-sham of al-Qudamias a Case Study for the Transmission of Traditions about the Conquest of Syria”, Der Islam, 84 (2008).   Nevo, Yehuda D., “Towards a Prehistory of Islam”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, vol.17, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994. Peters, F. E., Muhammad and the Origins of Islam, New York, State of University of New York Press, 1994. Rippin, Andrew, “Literary Analysis of Qur’an, Tafsīr, and Sīra: the Methodologies of John Wansbrough”, in: Approaches to Islam in its Religious Studies, ed. by: R. C. Martin, Tuscon, University of Arizona Press, 2001. Robinson, Chase F., “Patricia Crone and the End of Orientalism”, in: Islamic cultures, Islamic contexts, ed. by: Behnam Sadeghi, Asad Q. Ahmed, Adam Silverstein, Robert Hoyland, in: Islamic History and Civilization, vol. 114, Leiden: Brill, 2015. Robinson, Neal, Discovering the Qur’an: A contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text, London, SCM Press, 2003. Rubin, Uri, “Meccan Trade and Quranic Exegesis (Quran 2:198)”, BSOAS, 53 (1990). Saḥḥāb, Fiktūr, Iylāf-i Ḳuraysh Riḥla al- Shshita wa- l- Ṣṣayf, Beirut, Kumbiyū nashr wa al- Markaz al- Thaḳāfa al- ʿArabī, 1992 AD/ 1412 AH. Schoeler, Gregor, Charakter und Authentie der Muslimischen Überlieferung über das Leben Mohammeds, Berlin, De Gruyter, 1996. (Translated and revised by Uwe Vagelpohl, and edited by James Montgomery as The Biography of Muhammad: Nature and Authenticity, New York, Routledge, 2011). Serjeant, Robert Bertram, “Review of Hagarism by Patricia Crone and Michael Cook”, in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1978. Idem, "Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam: Misconceptions and Flawed Polemics", Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol.110, no.3 (Jul - Sep, 1990). Thompson, Thomas, The History of the Patriarchal Narratives: the Quest for the Historical Abraham, Berlin and New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1974. Tom Holland’s Obsession with Islam’s Origins: a Critical Response, http://thedebateinitiative.com Van Ess, Josef, “The Making of Islam”, Times Literary Supplement, 8 September 1978, cited from: Seeing Islam as Others Saw it: a Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on early Islam, Princeton, New Jersey, the Darwin Press, 1997. Waines, David, An Introduction to Islam, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Wansbrough, John, The Sectarian Milieu, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978a. Idem, “Patricia Crone and Michael Cook: Hagarism: the Making of the Islamic World. ix, 268 pp. Cambridge, etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1977”, in: BSOAS, vol. 41 (XLI), no.1, 1978b; Idem, Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, foreword, translation and expanded notes by: Andrew Rippin, New York, Prometheus Books, 2004. Watt, W. Montgomery, Muhammad at Mecca, Oxford, Oxford University Press, reprinted in Pakistan, Karachi, Moiez Press, 1979.                             Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Development of Islamic Studies in the West
        raoof nosratian Shahram Pazouki
        This article examines the tumultuous history of Islamic studies in the West, which sheds light on current views and interactions between Westerners and Muslims. It explores the legacy of past encounters and interactions, which have shaped contemporary perspectives. The More
        This article examines the tumultuous history of Islamic studies in the West, which sheds light on current views and interactions between Westerners and Muslims. It explores the legacy of past encounters and interactions, which have shaped contemporary perspectives. The article investigates the history of Western thought about Islam from its emergence to the present, and it offers a new perspective for Persian-speaking audiences. Rather than investigating specific historical periods or geographic schools, the article aims to identify significant paradigms in Islamic studies. Five paradigms are introduced: the biblical, polemic, historical-scientific, phenomenological, and cosmopolitanism paradigms. The article highlights how each paradigm influenced the formation of the next and describes the most prominent representatives and their works. By examining these paradigms, the article provides Islamic studies researchers with new ideas and may serve as a starting point for future articles. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Haqshbandiyya studies in the West and Russia
        Ali Aramjoo
        طریقت صوفی نقشبندیه که به سبب ماهیت و عملکرد خاص اعتقادی و سیاسی اش، در چند سده اخیر مورد توجه شرق شناسان بوده است در حال حاضر نیز به عنوان پدیده ای زنده و تأثیرگذار، موضوع ویژه ای برای پژوهش در محافل علمی و سیاسی غرب به شمار می آید. روند مطالعات غرب در این باب در دوره More
        طریقت صوفی نقشبندیه که به سبب ماهیت و عملکرد خاص اعتقادی و سیاسی اش، در چند سده اخیر مورد توجه شرق شناسان بوده است در حال حاضر نیز به عنوان پدیده ای زنده و تأثیرگذار، موضوع ویژه ای برای پژوهش در محافل علمی و سیاسی غرب به شمار می آید. روند مطالعات غرب در این باب در دوره های مختلف تغییر و تحولاتی را از سر گذرانده است. اگرچه تا نیمه نخست قرن نوزده اطلاعات غرب در باب طریقت صوفی نقشبندیه بسیار کلی و آشفته بود اما در پی شکل گیری و توسعه علایق و منافع کشورهای غربی در شرق و نمودار شدن نقشبندیه به عنوان سردمدار برخی مقاومت های محلی، وضع تغییر کرد. چالشی که نقشبندیه آسیای مرکزی، برای قدرت روزافزون روسیه در آن منطقه ایجاد می کرد، موجب شد تا در آثار نویسندگان روسی، با نوعی تعصّب و یکجانبه نگری به آنها پرداخته شود. در قرن بیست و به دنبال شکل گیری شوروی این وضع ادامه یافت. اواخر قرن نقطه عطفی در تاریخ مطالعات نقشبندیه به شمار می آید. از یکسو چالش هویتی در دولت-ملت های تازه تاسیس، توجه به پیشینه تاریخی و فرهنگی – که نقشبندیه جزو جدایی ناپذیر آن به شمار می آمد- را ضرورت می بخشید و از طرف دیگر غرب برای فهم دقیق چگونگی تعامل با این دولت ها به پژوهش هایی گسترده در این زمینه اقدام کرد ضمن اینکه خود نیز در نتیجه توسعه روزافزون نقشبندیه و حضور قابل توجه آنها در جهان غرب به نوعی مبتلا به آن محسوب می شد. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Evaluation of the Naqshbandiyya studies in the West and Russia
        ali aramjo
        In recent centuries, Naqshbandiyya  Sufi order which because of its nature , special believe functions and his policy has been paid attention by Orientalists.Now as something living and effective, specific topics for research in scientific and political circles in More
        In recent centuries, Naqshbandiyya  Sufi order which because of its nature , special believe functions and his policy has been paid attention by Orientalists.Now as something living and effective, specific topics for research in scientific and political circles in West.  Process of the West studies in this subject, according to the policies and strategies of the Western goverments in the East, in different periods, as well as  after their scientific and cultural evolution,has passed some changes and evolutions. According to the present  research findings, although until the first half of the 19th century  westerns information about the Naqshbandiyya Sufi order was so vague and confusing, but in the wake of the formation and development interests and the interests of Western countries in East and appearing Naqshbandiyya as a leader in some local resistance, the situation was changed. The challenge Naqshbandiyya was created for the growing power of Russia in Central Asia, led to the works of Russian writers, with bias and unilateralism to be addressed. In the 20th century and following of formation of the Soviet Union, this situation continued. In the end of 20th century and the subsequent of collapse of the USSR and the establishment of independent republics in Central Asia, is considered a milestone in the history of Naqshbandiyya .On the one hand the challenge of identifying newly established nation-states, paying attention to the historical and cultural background necessitetes, and on the other hand the West to understanding how is interaction with this state , action out widely researches in this field. In addition itself ( the West) as a result of the increasing development of Naqshbandiyya and their signifficant presence in the West  world , considered a suffering to laid of that .  Manuscript profile
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        5 - The role of the Church in the formation of Islamic studies in Andalusia
        Mehrisadat Hashemi Dolabi Mehrnaz Behroozi mohammad sepehri
        Islamic studies, how and when it was formed, are still debated among scholars. The role ofthe Christian church in the formation of Islamic studies in Andalusia. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of the Christian church, its goals and motives in the emerge More
        Islamic studies, how and when it was formed, are still debated among scholars. The role ofthe Christian church in the formation of Islamic studies in Andalusia. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of the Christian church, its goals and motives in the emergence of Islamic studies in Andalusia. The research method in this study is descriptive sources and analytical reference. The research method is historical and descriptive-analytical. The result of research indicate that The conquest of Andalusia marked the beginning of a new era of change in the social system of the Iberian Peninsula. relation between the Muslims and the Messiahs in the following centuries, the influence of Islamic culture and civilization on the religious and social life of Andalusian Christians raised church concern. Stopping Islam progress against Christianity puts knowledge of Islam on church agenda. With the conquest of Toledo and the emergence of the translation movement under the supervision of Priests, Islamic studies were formed. Manuscript profile