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        1 - The ideals World of Maroof Rasafi
        Mostafa Yegani
        Poetry of Rosafi is like a mirror that reflects people’s life. His poetry is the best document  to assess the situation of Iraq in the nineteenth and twentieth Century. He has seen all the social problems of his time and have tasted the bitter taste of the p More
        Poetry of Rosafi is like a mirror that reflects people’s life. His poetry is the best document  to assess the situation of Iraq in the nineteenth and twentieth Century. He has seen all the social problems of his time and have tasted the bitter taste of the problem. Problems such as poverty, illiteracy, men and women, war, oppression,etc. He is a poet of great and famous Arab world and one of the most influential poets in the Arab world and Iraq. He used poetry as a means to express his thoughts. Among the poets he is loyal to the people. He is a classic poet in form but in the themes is developed. In his poem he talks against oppression, ignorance, illiteracy and backwardness. He Strongly criticizes the political and social situation and defines an ideal society; a society without poverty, illiteracy, injustice and war. Manuscript profile