• List of Articles Indian Ocean

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        1 - Muslims’ navigation in early Islamic centuries
        حسین قرچانلو
        Navigation and shipping drew Muslims’ attention for centuries. For this they have special purposes and motives which should be counted as the main factors of shipping prosperity in Islamic civilization. Military navigation in order to occupy different areas and at More
        Navigation and shipping drew Muslims’ attention for centuries. For this they have special purposes and motives which should be counted as the main factors of shipping prosperity in Islamic civilization. Military navigation in order to occupy different areas and attach them into Islamic territory began from the first decades after the emergence of Islam and continued for centuries. Commercial navigation in order to transport various goods in a reciprocal stream between different lands and Islamic territories was especially noticed by Muslims, and had an important role in the progress of shipping. By commercial shipping, because of its very wide geographical domain of activity, Muslims could communicate with different nations of various lands Indian ocean breadth, from East African shores till Chinese ones, and also they could achieve important geographical explorations. These activities altogether resulted in developing Muslims’ geographical understanding and their information about other nations and created literary, narrative and technical works on sea and navigation. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Yemen Trade in the Rasulids Era (626-858 A.H.)
        Ebrahim Mohammadi Hadi Alemzadeh
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships bet More
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships between Yemen and different areas such as India, Egypt and Hijaz was developed and so the merchants carried the goods and products via sea routes from Yemen to Indian and Egyptian ports; and in return, importing different goods to Yemen. In addition, Yemen had also the commercial relationship with internal areas of Arabian Peninsula, especially Hijaz, by land and sea. The present article is an attempt to consider the causes of commercial development of Yemen in the Rasulids era. This study shows that in this period, Yemen was different from its prior time .It was due to the dominance of Mongols over the far East to Baghdad, that makes the commercial roads insecure and so the red sea became an alternative and safe route. It should be noticed that the role of Karemi merchants who had a disposal trade between Mediterranean sea and Indian Ocean coastlines to china via the Red sea was also developed the trade activities in Yemen. References Abū Makhrama, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh Ṭayyib, Tārīkh-i Thaghr Adan wa Tarādjum Ulamā- hā, Revised by Orvar Löfgren, Leiden, 1936/ 1314. Badkoobeh, Ahmad & Tajbakhsh, Ghadariyeh, “Rawābiṭ Bāzargānī-yi Ārāgūn wa Ḳashtāla bā Baybars wa Taḥrīm-i Iḳtiṣādī-yi Miṣr”, Journal of History & Civiliazation of Islamic Nation, No. 10, 1388/ 2009. Bakri, Abdallāh b. ʿAbd al ʿAzīz, al- Masālik  wal- mamālik, Revised by Van Leeuwen, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, Beirut, 1992 AD/ 1412 AH. 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        3 - Geoeconomic relations (geopolitical economy) of Iran- India and its convergence and divergence factor
        Alireza mehrabi ghasem abbasianfard Sourosh Nick manesh
        Indian Ocean as a Facilitator of world trade and free flow of energy has a special geopolitical role and its sides meet at the intersection of the major terrestrial axes that connect East Asia and South Asia and Etc it connects to Africa,Europe and India.Iran and India More
        Indian Ocean as a Facilitator of world trade and free flow of energy has a special geopolitical role and its sides meet at the intersection of the major terrestrial axes that connect East Asia and South Asia and Etc it connects to Africa,Europe and India.Iran and India are two important countries in the region, and throughout history theyhave had close relationships with each other. Therefor, the geoeconomics of these two countries have a special relationship with each other it is ipmportant to investigating and recognizing the factors affecting it. In forthcoming reaserch, wich is of a fundmental nature and seek to find the facts and recognizing arising from the interaction of geography, economics and politics and using interpretive-analytical method in reaserch, we have studied the effect of Iran's political geography on economic relations with the countries of the Indian subcontinent and the case of India has been studied on a case-by-case basis. By studing the most important activities in the subject mentione wich is on of the important isues of foregn policy and international organizations and also, since the level of relations with foreign goverments and international organizations is one of the symbols of a country's development, in the present study, the relationship between Iran and India economic relations with Iran's geostrategic position and convergent and divergent factors affecting the economic development of the two countries has been discussed. The results of this study indicate that Iran can be a link between Central Asian countries and the Caucasus with India subcontinent and we are expected to see a significant increase is the convergence between Iran and India subcontinent, and in particular India. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Strategic Competitions between Powerful Countriesin India-Oceania and Eurasia
        Reza Simbar Danyal Rezapoor
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate bilateral ties between India-Eurasia (Russia and the United States) and India-Oceania in new world conditions and also to assess the gradual transformations of India effective in the above 2 regions using the theory of More
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate bilateral ties between India-Eurasia (Russia and the United States) and India-Oceania in new world conditions and also to assess the gradual transformations of India effective in the above 2 regions using the theory of geopolitical region. The hypothesis is that bilateral relations in the triangle of India, U.S.A and Russia is of special importance with regard to the growing history of India in the international realm and an ongoing competition between the U.S.A and Russia to remain faithful to India. Furthermore, with respect to the efforts of New Delhi to become an influential world power, India will have to do more trades; therefore, it makes use of its close relations with Washington and Moscow. The method of the study is descriptive-analysis and the results showed that deteriorating relations between Russia and the U.S.A is a hindrance to achieve trilateral cooperation. Despite traditional friendship and mutual trust between India and Russia, it seems that relations between the two countries cannot meet the realities today. Although Washington and Moscow regard relationship with New Delhi as a sign of growing regional ties in India-Pacific Ocean and Eurasia, they face with a special resistance from the Indian counterpart when it comes to developing ties. China is considered as a key variable in the triangle model between the U.S.A, India, and Russia. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Tsunami Vulnerability Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Kollam District, Kerala, India
        Ajin. R. S Mathew. K. Jacob Vinod. P. G
        Tsunamis are caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a sea. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water have the pote More
        Tsunamis are caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a sea. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water have the potential to generate a tsunami. The coastal areas of Kollam district, the present study area was seriously affected by the catastrophic Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26 December 2004. The present study aims to demarcate tsunami vulnerable areas in Kollam district using Remote Sensingand GIS techniques. A multi criteria decision analysis was carried out using GIS techniques. The factors selected for this study were Land use/land cover, Slope, Elevation, Geomorphology and Distance from shore line. The thematic maps were prepared by using ArcGIS and ERDAS Imagine software tools. Knowledge based weight assessment method was used to prepare the weightage maps. After weighting and ranking, the vulnerability map was prepared by combining these thematic layers by ArcGIS weighted overlay analysis. The prepared vulnerability map was classified into five zones, viz; safe, rather safe, moderate, rather vulnerable and vulnerable. The village boundary was overlaid on the vulnerability map in order to highlight the vulnerable villages. This study provides an interactive method to identify the tsunami affected areas after the disaster and mapping the tsunami vulnerable areas before the disaster, which will be helpful in managing future disasters. Manuscript profile