• List of Articles Iblis

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Difference or similarityof Satan andIblis
        Mehdi Momtahen Zeinab Torabi
        Satan, the deceiver of Adam and Eve, and the biggest obstacle to achieving full humanity, is a creature who has sought to entice and seduce humankindat all ages and epoches since the creation of Adam to the resurrection of judgment; and he has sworn to th More
        Satan, the deceiver of Adam and Eve, and the biggest obstacle to achieving full humanity, is a creature who has sought to entice and seduce humankindat all ages and epoches since the creation of Adam to the resurrection of judgment; and he has sworn to the glory of God to mislead people. The origin of the word devil holds broad conceptsand includes every mischievous, defiant and rebellious creature,but different texts mentioned this existingwith varying interpretations and the word "Satan" is more applicable among them.The issue thatwill beaddressedinthispaper is the semantic study of thesetwo wordsandthe explanation of thesimilarityorthe difference of these two terms,Satan and Iblis, from the viewpoint ofverses and hadiths. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Sudy on the Concept of "Kufr" in Sufism until the 5th Century A.H
        Seyyed Amir Muhammad Tabatabayi Waez Seyyedeh Fatemeh Zare Hoseini
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this More
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this regard. However, these views are sometimes in clear contradiction, but through studying and putting together these views, we can realize that this concept have had a gradual development in meaning throughout the history of Islamic Sufism. From the 2nd century A.H., when Sufis started to write their thoughts and teachings, this concept was used in meanings similar to the viewpoints of Muslim theologians ans jurists. Then, its meanings changed differently and separately in the writings of Junayd and Hallaj. For a while, this concept received a transcendental point in Sufism and Islamic mysticism and in the thought of Ayn al-Quzat Hamdani, where not only it does not essentially contradict with faith, but also plays a key role in achieving Right and Truth. In this essay, by studying and analyzing the opinions of the Sufis who have spoken or written about the Kufr, we will inquire the semantic evolution of the concept of kufr in Sufism until the 5th century A.H. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A study and comparison of the love of the devil and man for the God of Truth (relying on mystical works such as: Attar's theological letter and the preparations of the same judges of Hamedani)
        Mehdi Nosrati Shireen baqaii
        Love is a generative balance, a balance that needs to be created and nurtured. Love gives both pain and pleasure to the seeker and seeker and is an experience of unity in the midst of contradictions. A contrast that is sometimes sweeter than honey and sometimes bitterer More
        Love is a generative balance, a balance that needs to be created and nurtured. Love gives both pain and pleasure to the seeker and seeker and is an experience of unity in the midst of contradictions. A contrast that is sometimes sweeter than honey and sometimes bitterer than poison; With all these descriptions, the lover loves it to reach his beloved. He fights and chews, that too with all his heart. Based on this, this research aims to examine and compare the love of the devil and man for the true God with a descriptive-analytical method and a library tool, and among these, considering the two valuable works of Sheikh Attar's Divine Book and Ain al-Qadat's Tahimidat. to show Which one has been the defender of the devil and his love and which one has been on the side of man and his love for his god, creator and lover. The results of the research show that in order to reach the truth, Attar and Ain al-Qadat consider love as a necessity for the seeker; Especially if this seeker is an ignorant man or a jealous devil. Also, both of them have considered love as a means of spiritual perfection and sometimes they have distinguished between the love of man towards God and the devil with strength or weakness and willingly and unwillingly. has warned. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The semantics of "Iblis" in the Holy Quran
        Heshmat al-Sadat Baqir Nejad Tayyibah Akbari Rad
        The word Iblis has been used eleven times in the Holy Quran. The word opposite to the devil is "king", which is used in the plural of "angels". The opposition between the devil and the realm is in creation and in action. The reason for the expulsion of the devil from th More
        The word Iblis has been used eleven times in the Holy Quran. The word opposite to the devil is "king", which is used in the plural of "angels". The opposition between the devil and the realm is in creation and in action. The reason for the expulsion of the devil from the divine door is disobedience to God's command, which appears in the guise of arrogance and jealousy. The Holy Qur'an describes the disobedience of the devil, not prostrating to Adam (peace be upon him). The word for the devil is the devil. The semantic domain of Iblis is limited to one meaning and it is a special name for an evil creature who did not prostrate to Adam (peace be upon him). The word devil has different meanings, which are: devil, jinn, human soldiers and jinn devil, the common name for every evil being, the heads of hypocrites, snakes, idols and the cause of disease. The semantic aspect of Iblis for the word Satan has the most verses, and Satan is more referred to as Iblis due to the predominance of usage. Pride and obsession are the substitute words of Satan in the Holy Quran. Rebel, humiliator of man, inviter to the fire of hell, obvious enemy, devoid of goodness, etc. are the characteristics of the devil. Rejection of Satan's guardianship, abstinence from forbidden food, supplication, true faith and trust, sincerity, remembrance of God, divine grace and mercy, are obstacles to Satan's influence and domination over man. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Satan in Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni's Mystic Thought
        خدابخش اسداللهی
          According to Qurānic teachings, Satan (Iblis) fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honor Adam when he was ordered to do so. Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni (1098–1131), Persian mystic, presents a different interpretation of this event. He More
          According to Qurānic teachings, Satan (Iblis) fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honor Adam when he was ordered to do so. Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni (1098–1131), Persian mystic, presents a different interpretation of this event. He believes that the Devil's act of disobedience is the result of his true love for God and the Divine determination. According to Ain-al Quzat, there are two lights: the black light of the Devil and the light of Muhammad. These lights, created by God, both are necessary for the world of existence.  Manuscript profile
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        6 - Image of Iblis in Masnavi Mawlana Jalal al -din Balkhi
        Mandana Hashemi
        Iblis in Masnavi Mauwlana has two distinct faces. On one hand, its character is recognized as being vicious, and ominious, determined to destroy the God's purpose. At times, it is regarded as being equivalent to Nafs Amareh, leading man to temptation, and only through t More
        Iblis in Masnavi Mauwlana has two distinct faces. On one hand, its character is recognized as being vicious, and ominious, determined to destroy the God's purpose. At times, it is regarded as being equivalent to Nafs Amareh, leading man to temptation, and only through the directions of a spiritual guide one can be saved from such temptations. However, in Masnavi the other face of Iblis is rather peculiar, and there are similarities of vision with the works of great mystics such as Ain al Ghozat, and Hallaj. This image of Iblis is revealed in the story of' Muaweyah,and Iblis" where one comes to realize the broadmindedness, and profound vision of a man who implicitly makes invaluable, scholarly points. This story has been revised in this article and Mawlana's viewpoints, and also similar inferences in the history of mystical thought were investigated.   Manuscript profile