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        1 - Criminalizing by Quran and Rationality
        Vahab DaneshPazhou
        Criminalization is a process whereby legislators with regard to the basic norms and values ​​of society and relying on its foundations; prohibit behaviors anddetermines criminal sanctions for them. The Quran also commands norms for managing individual and society, and p More
        Criminalization is a process whereby legislators with regard to the basic norms and values ​​of society and relying on its foundations; prohibit behaviors anddetermines criminal sanctions for them. The Quran also commands norms for managing individual and society, and protect the human value and criminalized behaviors detrimental to the fundamental interests of the masses. Criminalization of the Koran is assessable in support of human values ​​and fundamental interests of society that story ofconsistent with the Rationality and compliance with human rights. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Bases of Mirza Yousef Khan Mostashar-ul-Dowleh's Idea of Legalism
        Alireza Azghandi Hamed Ameri Golestani
        The idea of legalism is one of the important grounds of modernization in Qajar era and in this movement the role of intellectuals of this period is very important. These intellectuals by preaching the idea of legalism prepared the ground for socio-political development. More
        The idea of legalism is one of the important grounds of modernization in Qajar era and in this movement the role of intellectuals of this period is very important. These intellectuals by preaching the idea of legalism prepared the ground for socio-political development. Among these intellectuals Mirza Yousef Khan have had a special position. He took great step by writing a booklet named "One Word" which contributed to the principle of "rule of law" in Iran at that time. In the present article the bases of Mirza Yousef Khan's thinking which has been expressed in the introduction of his booklet is discussed. Mirza Yousef Khan by emphasizing the importance of rule of law believes that the progress of the society depends upon the expansion of this concept. While he pays attention to the new Western law and codes and bases his thinking of legalism on those criteria he also attaches enough importance to domestic bases i.e. the Sharia book and lays the foundation of his legal thinking on this ground also. Mirza Yousef Khan's idea of legalism is of great importance since it does not merely follows Western law and he tried to find a suitable foundation for establishing rule of law during Qajar period and in this regard he differs from other thinkers who merely followed Western law. Mirza Yousef Khan tried to create the concept of law by making use of Western law and Sharia law. Thus if one want to understand the concept of legalism during Qajar period one must acquaint oneself with Mirza Yousef Khan's thinking and the bases of his legalism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Human Rights and Citizen Rights on the Opinion of the Middle Eastern Islamic States with Emphasis on the Iranian Constitution
        Amir Sajedi
        Human rights and Citizen Rights are both derived from natural and inherent rights of all people and historically have been uniquely addressed among the various world thinkers and by the various schools of religious thought.  It is unfortunately true however that un More
        Human rights and Citizen Rights are both derived from natural and inherent rights of all people and historically have been uniquely addressed among the various world thinkers and by the various schools of religious thought.  It is unfortunately true however that until the end of the Second World War the idea of human rights did not find a place in a wider arena of thought.  Although with the declaration of human rights in 1948 and owing to other related conventions, human rights became a world-wide phenomena and many governments in the Middle-East still have not accepted all its clauses. These governments having stated that some aspects of the world human right laws are at odds with the Koranic teachings balk at carrying out their duties with respect to human and citizen rights.  Citizen’s rights are those class of people’s rights which are given as national rights according to the constitution of relevant countries and as such cover only the citizens of the relevant nations. The passage of the constitution of the I.R.I encompassing sections 19, 23, 24, 26, 32, 47, ... which had contained the equal rights and citizen’s rights had generated great hope that the people of Iran will again after much time regain their human rights and citizen’s rights.  The manner that these rights are accepted and are made to coexist with the Sharia and the way the populace of the nations in the Middle East are taught and informed on their quest for human rights and citizen’s rights are among the most noteworthy guides of their governments in carrying out its relevant duties. Manuscript profile