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        1 - The Modes of Satire in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah Sana'i and its Communicative Function
        Seyyede Elham Bagheri Ahmad Khatami
        Sana'i of Ghaznavi (545 or 529-467 A.H.), is often known as an "innovative poet". One of his initiatives is the use of humor in "Hadiqah al-Haqiqah". Because he intends to explain mystical topics to novice mystics and readers of this book with popular methods. After San More
        Sana'i of Ghaznavi (545 or 529-467 A.H.), is often known as an "innovative poet". One of his initiatives is the use of humor in "Hadiqah al-Haqiqah". Because he intends to explain mystical topics to novice mystics and readers of this book with popular methods. After Sana'i, famous mystics such as Attar Neishabouri and Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi used humor a lot. This article, with a descriptive-analytical method and based on library research, has found the satirical techniques of "Hadiqah-ul-Haqiqah". While examining each trick and finding their connection with humor theories (Relief Theory, games theory, superiority theory, ‎ Incongruity ‎Theory), the researcher  has analyzed and investigated the function of these modes today.The results show that all the satirical techniques of "Hadiqa al-Haqiqeh" strengthen the theory of games. Also, the total number of "language games" is 67.4% of the total humorous tricks of Hadeeghah, mostly seen in anecdotes (narrative part), especially in the anecdotes of the second half of Hadeeghah. After that, there are techniques that strengthen the theory of superiority (8.5%), which can be seen in the whole "Hadiqah al-Haqiqah". As a result, it can be said that Sana'i was aware of the function of the  language game and its impact in order to teach mysticism, ethics and philosophy correctly and fully, and has benefited from it by using the effect of satire to better understand the content; But often with a superiority-seeking and informative view, he humiliates and mocks the characters of the stories or the audience. Out of 53 anecdotes and monographs, only 7 anecdotes and 6 humorous verses (in line with the theories of games, liberation and conflict) are functional in the communication. Manuscript profile