List of Articles Fresnel Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Experimental measurements of a prototype high-concentration Fresnel lens and sun-tracking method for photovoltaic panel’s efficiency enhancement Meraj Rajaee Seyed Mohamad Bagher Ghorashi 10.1007/s40094-015-0180-x Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Designing the optimal Fresnel lenses by using Zemax software Alireza Keshavarz Mohama Jalal Soltanzadeh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Analysis and Implementation of a New Method to Increase the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Cells by Applying a Dual Axis Sun Tracking System and Fresnel Lens Array meraj rajaee Sahel Rabiee 10.30495/jopn.2021.28531.1229