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        1 - Explaining the Experience of Education and Training and English Language Education Specialists for teaching English in the first grade of high school
        Khadijeh Ahmadi shahram Ranjdoust Mohamad Azimi
        The purpose of the present study is to explain the experience of English language education and training specialists in teaching English in the first secondary school. The present qualitative study was carried out with a phenomenological approach in the fall of 2018 on More
        The purpose of the present study is to explain the experience of English language education and training specialists in teaching English in the first secondary school. The present qualitative study was carried out with a phenomenological approach in the fall of 2018 on 21 English language teaching and training specialists through purposeful sampling and data saturation. This study continued with the confidentiality of the information and the possibility to leave the study at any time. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The method of analyzing the findings of this study was based on three codings: "open", "axial" and "selective". Interview data was read several times in an active and interactive way and then coded openly. After the open coding, the data came together based on the common axes that emerged between them and their abundance. Axial codes were then incorporated into themes based on similarities and inconsistencies. Frequency and percentage of each axial code were calculated. By analyzing and integrating the principal components, two principal components were identified and 28 sub-components were extracted by principal component analysis. The results show that among the sub-components derived from the analysis of the responses of English language education and training specialists, the most important method for teaching English is to enhance the motivation of learners to learn English through different ways by teacher in the first grade of high school.  Manuscript profile