• List of Articles Dihghāns

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Dihghāns and Islamic Conquests
        شهرام امیری
        As the representatives of the social middle class in Iran before Islam,Dihghāns had an active role in the inner changes of the society;particularly in Sassanid era that they were a joining link betweencentral government, Arian aristocrats, Zoroastrian priests, and peopl More
        As the representatives of the social middle class in Iran before Islam,Dihghāns had an active role in the inner changes of the society;particularly in Sassanid era that they were a joining link betweencentral government, Arian aristocrats, Zoroastrian priests, and people.From the beginning of Islamic conquests and then during the first andsecond centuries after Hijra, their role became more prominent as theyconducted most of the economical and social changes in Islamic Iran,and protected the old Iranian culture and transmitted it to nextgenerations. This role is investigated in this article. Manuscript profile