• List of Articles Confiscation

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        1 - The Confiscation of Property in the Abbasid Era; its Political and Economic Aims and Performances
        Mahdi Qorbani Hesari Ebrahim Mousapour Besheli Qanbarali Roodgar
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        2 - Examining the sentences of paying the debt of the deceased (tōzišn) and debt settlement (pēš-tōzišnīh) in Sassanid times from the Mādayān ī hazār dādestestān
        zahra hisseini
        Mādayān ī hazār dādestestān or Book of a Thousand Judgment is the only manuscript of the imperfect from the legal collection of the Sassanid period. This article is studying a legal term tōzišn means paying the debt and paying the debt of the deceased and compena More
        Mādayān ī hazār dādestestān or Book of a Thousand Judgment is the only manuscript of the imperfect from the legal collection of the Sassanid period. This article is studying a legal term tōzišn means paying the debt and paying the debt of the deceased and compenasting of the warranter and pēš-tōzišnīh the meaning of repayment and how the debtor's debt is settled and its purpose is to explain the legal rules to pay of the debt of the deceased and how to settle the debt in the civil society of the Sassanid period. For this purpose, a question arises: What did the legislators envisage in the issuance of Judgments tōzišn and pēš-tōzišnīh to pay the debt and settle it? Based on the existing laws, we find that, Legislators with awareness predicted possible disputes of survivors in the death of the deceased and the debtor's possible evasion of payment and even the debtor's financial poverty and issued rulings for pay the debt of the debtor and pay the debt of the deceased, duties of survivors, the debtor and guarantor are know; and disagreement is eliminated between the family and the legal creditor and by adopting legal solutions, does not exist way to avoid fulfilling the obligations. This article is theoretical and has been done with historical-analytical method. While interpreting the legal term tōzišn and pēš-tōzišnīh, we find its social function in the Sassanid period. Given the lack of documented research in this area, the need to address it is obvious. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Recognition of the Quranic Concept of Changing God's Creation
        maryam sabaghi nadoshan mohammadhassan haeri
        Some of the renowned scholars have thought foolish exchanges and contracts as foregone conclusions, and some have even banned it as a religious order. On many occasions, contracts have been annulled based on such an order. The underlying meaning is that whenever a contr More
        Some of the renowned scholars have thought foolish exchanges and contracts as foregone conclusions, and some have even banned it as a religious order. On many occasions, contracts have been annulled based on such an order. The underlying meaning is that whenever a contract is made by a person who is insane, and that contract is devoid of reasonable thinking, the contract is inexistent and thus non-rectifiable. The foolishness of the contract is an independent factor which ascribes annulment to the contact. However, annulment is because of the insanity of the person who makes the contract not the insanity of the contract itself. Because of the lack of reason for the annulment of foolish contracts, they become legal unless the foolishness of the person in charge becomes evident. Moreover, the truthfulness of foolishness is difficult to prove when personal bias is in action and excludes the contract from being insane. Therefore, besides the problem that most instances of foolishness share, foolishness on its own as an independent factor in the annulment of a contract should be doubted.    Manuscript profile
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        4 - Jurisprudence-Legal Principles of Confiscation Insurance
        ali jafarzadeh shahi قادر شنیور Jamshid Yahya pour
        Confiscation is one of the institutes enacted by the legislator to protect the right of winning party and/or the claimant and ensure individuals' right. It is based on protecting individuals' right. However, carrying out these regulations can weaken the social and econo More
        Confiscation is one of the institutes enacted by the legislator to protect the right of winning party and/or the claimant and ensure individuals' right. It is based on protecting individuals' right. However, carrying out these regulations can weaken the social and economic aspects of the society. But today, laws should be comprehensive and consider group rights in addition to individuals' right. In this way, existential principles which are the philosophy of enacting the current regulations are criticized in addition to presenting a new definition for confiscation and investigating social and economic model-setting principles; and by presenting a new theory for confiscation, we move toward socializing law and protecting individuals' rights and jurisprudence and legal principles of insuring confiscated properties are studied based on development of the wise, rule of prohibition of detriment, the inclusion of generalities and applications of evidence. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The doctrine of clean hands with emphasis on the dispute between Iran and the United States in Property Confiscation case
        abbas barzegarzadeh
        One of the preliminary objections of the United States of America in the case of the Certain iranian assets of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, raised in the International Court of Justice following the ruling of the Supreme Court (2016) was the citatio More
        One of the preliminary objections of the United States of America in the case of the Certain iranian assets of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, raised in the International Court of Justice following the ruling of the Supreme Court (2016) was the citation of the doctrine of clean hands. The main point of this descriptive-analytical study is to examine the US preliminary objection based on the Doctrine of the Clean Hands. The United States had claimed that the Iranian government had revoked the right to sue by supporting terrorism and the special face of Lebanese Hezbollah Has done. The International Court of Justice, while accepting the defenses of the Iranian legal team, rejected the US objections to the jurisdiction and hearing of the petition. The Doctrine of the Clean Hands has a long history in the legal literature and has been accepted by international arbitration bodies as a condition for hearing a petition, but has never been accepted by the International Court of Justice as a preliminary objection, and the Court often Examination has referred it to the mertis level. In the case of the dispute between Iran and the United States, the Court did not violate its jurisprudence . Manuscript profile