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        1 - The Criminal Policy of Protecting Children from Diversion in International Documents and Iranian Criminal Law Abstract
        Behnam Nikoo Esmaiel Abdulahi Maryam Safaee
        Behnam Nikoo[1] Esmaiel Abdulahi[2] Maryam Safaee[3]   Abstract: Nowadays, one of the most common issues among scholars, espe­ci­a­l­ly lawyers and criminologists, is the issue of child criminality and how to deal with it and the ways of deviant in More
        Behnam Nikoo[1] Esmaiel Abdulahi[2] Maryam Safaee[3]   Abstract: Nowadays, one of the most common issues among scholars, espe­ci­a­l­ly lawyers and criminologists, is the issue of child criminality and how to deal with it and the ways of deviant in society. Since the causes and reasons of crime among children are different from those of adults and on the other hand, this class of society is more psychologically and so­ci­­ally sensitive and more vulnerable than others, so a method should be adopted according to the conditions and situation of these people.This method, known as criminal policy for children and adolescents, is of great importance. Having a crim­in­al and penal policy appropriate to the circumstances of minors and adol­esc­ents can h­­elp civil society to advance one of its goals, which is to prevent future crimes. Therefore, criminal policy on children exposed to diversion sho­­uld be a preventive criminal policy in order to take legal steps to protect children at risk of crime and victimization. Given the imp­ort­a­n­c­e of this topic, this descriptive-analytical study examines the criminal policy of protecting children exposed to distortion in inte­rn­a­ti­onal documents and in Iranian criminal law. [1]- PhD student in Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran [2]- Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran: Corresponding Author [3]-Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The situation of children in armed conflict
        ebrahim mashhadi masoud bitaneh musa musavi zenuz
        Children are not the cause of armed conflict, but they have always suffered a lot in this regard in various ways. Therefore, since the largest share of injuries caused by armed conflict is to this group of civilians, therefore, humanitarian organizations and institution More
        Children are not the cause of armed conflict, but they have always suffered a lot in this regard in various ways. Therefore, since the largest share of injuries caused by armed conflict is to this group of civilians, therefore, humanitarian organizations and institutions and governments have thought of supporting this vulnerable group. Children make up half of the victims of international and non-international (domestic) armed conflict. According to statistics, in more than 36 countries, children have been victims of armed conflict. Today, most of the armed conflicts are internal and the rate of destruction, violence and injuries to children and human casualties is very high and terrible. CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS, INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTECTION, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS, INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTECTION, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS, INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTECTION, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Manuscript profile