• List of Articles Anastomosis

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        1 - Biomechanical and histopathological evaluation of two surgical methods, nerve anastomosis and tendon transfer with each other in function of rabbits limbs
        غلامرضا عابدی احمد اصغری رحیم علیزاده سعید حصارکی سپهر خاشعی
        Tendon transfer is to change the natural location to a new location for attachment of a tendon ofa muscle's activity. This study was conducted to biomechanical and histopathological evaluatethe function of rabbits drop foot which were operated for nerve anastomosis and More
        Tendon transfer is to change the natural location to a new location for attachment of a tendon ofa muscle's activity. This study was conducted to biomechanical and histopathological evaluatethe function of rabbits drop foot which were operated for nerve anastomosis and tendon transferwith each other. Twenty white New Zealand male and healthy rabbits were chosen and dividedin to 4 groups. First group (Witness): were operated and only cut the sciatic nerve. Secondgroup: were operated and cut the sciatic nerve, then anastomosed. Third group: were operatedand cut the sciatic nerve, then tendon transfer were done whit out any Anastomosis. Fourthgroup: were operated and cut the sciatic nerve and then anastomosed. Then tendon transferswere done. Biomechanical evaluation in day 45 after surgery on bone samples. In biomechanicalassessment, about stiffness factor, those groups which operated by tendon transfer method, weneed less power. About fracture, in those groups which operated by tendon transfer method,more force in necessary to break. In those groups which operated by tendon transfer method, therate of calcium is much more than matrix because their feet can tolerate their weight incomparison, in those groups which operated without tendon transfer; the rate of calcium is lessthan matrix because of osteodystrophy. In pathological assessment, zenker necrosis and atrophyin both groups were detected but the acutness in witness group is more obviously. It could beclaimed that utilizing two surgical methods; nerve anastomosis and tendon transfer with eachother had more effect on function of paralyzed limbs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - مدیریت جراحی یک مورد عدم تشکیل کولون در یک راس کره اسب نژاد دره شوری
        فاطمه حیدری امیرحسام طرقبه حمیدرضا سیاهکوهی محمد شهرکی فتاح ایرانمنش محمد مهدی علومی احسان اله سخایی البرز میرزاده
        عدم تشکیل کولون یک اختلال مادرزادی نادر است که منجر به عدم توانایی دفع مدفوع در اوایل تولد می گردد. علایم کولیک ناشی از این ضایعه ۲۴ ساعت بعد از تولد شروع می گردد. به طور کلی روده های بزرگ شامل سکوم، کولون های بزرگ و کوچک بوده که کولون ها از جمله بخش های مهم درگیر در ای More
        عدم تشکیل کولون یک اختلال مادرزادی نادر است که منجر به عدم توانایی دفع مدفوع در اوایل تولد می گردد. علایم کولیک ناشی از این ضایعه ۲۴ ساعت بعد از تولد شروع می گردد. به طور کلی روده های بزرگ شامل سکوم، کولون های بزرگ و کوچک بوده که کولون ها از جمله بخش های مهم درگیر در این عارضه محسوب می شوند. فرضیه ی رایج پاتوژنز این عارضه بیشتر مربوط به اختلالات خون رسانی می باشد. در صورتی که کره قادر به دفع مدفوع در ساعات اولیه ی تولد نباشد می تواند یکی از علایم این عارضه باشد. عدم تشکیل کولون از طریق ارزیابی علایم بالینی و تصویربرداری تشخیصی میسر می گردد . پیش آگهی جراحی این عارضه ضعیف است. مطالعه حاضر به بررسی یک مورد عدم تشکیل کولون در یک راس کره اسب نر نژاد دره شوری با علاپم کولیک و احتباس مکونیوم می پردازد. پس از انجام معاینات اولیه عدم تشکیل بخشی از کولون فوقانی راست توسط لاپاراتومی تایید شد. در نهایت هم دهانی انتها به انتها بین باقیمانده کولون راست و عرضی به روش جراحی صورت گرفت. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Radiographic Evaluation of Experimental Teat Anastomosis in Dairy Cow
        مصطفی Darestani Farahani عباس Veshkini. S.M Ghamsari.
        Experimental teat anastomosis for treatment of sever cow’s teat injuries were performed for the first time and evaluated by radiography. Five healthy, non-pregnant milkier Holstein cows were selected and after preoperative considerations, the rear teats were pr More
        Experimental teat anastomosis for treatment of sever cow’s teat injuries were performed for the first time and evaluated by radiography. Five healthy, non-pregnant milkier Holstein cows were selected and after preoperative considerations, the rear teats were prepared for aseptic surgery. The left teats (1/3 of distal portion) were amputated horizontally, and fullthickness elliptical incisions were induced in 1/3 of proximal of the right teats from the base, in medial aspect. Anastomosis between amputated and neighboring teats was completed with two rows of sutures, simple interrupted in mucosal layer and interrupted horizontal mattress in intermediate and skin layers with polyglactin910(Coated Vicryl),sized 3-0 and 2-0,respectively. Radiographs with meglumine compound (positive contrast media) were prepared under condition of FFD = 80 Cm, 50 Kv, 20 mAs from all anastomised teats with and without positive pressure in 3 day before surgery and 4, 15, 30 and 44 days after the operation. According to radiographic results inner diameter of anastomosis junction were measured 14-20 mm under positive pressure and 11-16 mm without positive pressure in 44th day after the operation. According to the good radiographic findings and simplicity of this surgical technique, Teat anastomosis can be recommend for the treatment of sever teat injuries in dairy cows. Manuscript profile