• List of Articles Almoghtadi

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The relationship between the Abbasid and Seljuq
        Abullhassan Shahvari
        After the defeat of last resistance, of Sasanid dependent territories by Arabs, Iran became a part of eastern section of caliphate territory. In order to govern the section, at the beginnings, some agents who were plenipotentiaries, were sent there by khalifa. After Ta More
        After the defeat of last resistance, of Sasanid dependent territories by Arabs, Iran became a part of eastern section of caliphate territory. In order to govern the section, at the beginnings, some agents who were plenipotentiaries, were sent there by khalifa. After Taherid era some chang took place in relationship between those governers and khalifa. From taherid period some semi-independent governer took shape which taheryan was one of them. In Yagub leyth period Emyrat of Estekfa chang to Istilae. In this kind of governer ship , the governer got much power and even the could interfere in khalifa appointment or euendismissing them. Since ale Buyid era, the made up a god relationship with caliphate and they recognized caliphate, and vice versa. Those relations improved in Slajugh period , so that khalifa and  sultan would compel monetarily. In current research it has been tried to illustrate the relations between Malek shah Seljuk, the gratest Seljuk sultan who got the throne with the assistance khajeh Nezamalmulk, with khalifa almgtdy. Since this the relations have not been mention has not been cited clearly in historical books. I have tried to examine it through other related sources.  Manuscript profile