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        1 - “Traveling” and “Pilgrimage” in Religions: Comparative Study
        mohsen sharfaei Ali Akbari chenari
        بیشتر محققان غربی زیارت را در مفهوم اخص و دینی آن سفر زائر به مکان مقدس با انگیزۀ دینی و در مفهوم گسترده‌تر با انگیزۀ غیر‌دینی نیز تعریف کرده‌اند، اما برخی ادیان همچون مسیحیت، اسلام و آیین سیک بر حضور قلبی زائر نزد مزور نیز تاکید کرده‌ و اصرار بیش از حد بر سفر ظاهری را More
        بیشتر محققان غربی زیارت را در مفهوم اخص و دینی آن سفر زائر به مکان مقدس با انگیزۀ دینی و در مفهوم گسترده‌تر با انگیزۀ غیر‌دینی نیز تعریف کرده‌اند، اما برخی ادیان همچون مسیحیت، اسلام و آیین سیک بر حضور قلبی زائر نزد مزور نیز تاکید کرده‌ و اصرار بیش از حد بر سفر ظاهری را ضروری ندانسته اند. با سیری در سپهر معانی مختلف لغوی و اصطلاحی زیارت در ادیان، سفر رکنی از ارکان زیارت است. در مجموع، سفر دو نوع است: سفر آفاقی و سفر انفسی. زائر چه سیر ظاهری داشته باشد و چه سیر درونی، چه با سفر فیزیکی در مکان مقدس حاضر شود و چه در سیر انفسی به وصال معشوق رسد، در هر دو صورت این حضور و رسیدن نیازمند طی سفر است. تبیین جایگاه سفر در زیارت برای متولیان اماکن دینی از دو بُعد حائز اهیمت است: در بعد ظاهری باید تمام ملزومات و امکانات مورد نیاز زائر در سه مرحله پیش از سفر، حین سفر تا رسیدن به مکان مقدس، و بعد از سفر را فراهم نمایند. در بُعد باطنی نیز باید به تزکیه درونی زائر و ادب حضور نزد مزور توجه کنند. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Hadith of “God Created Adam in his Image” in Abrahamic Religions
        علی Delshad Sh Pazooki
        Mystics and Sufis believe that the hadith, as the book of Allah, has an appearance and a reality. A very important point is the meta-historical and hermeneutic view of the mystics in confrontation of mystical and Sufi hadiths which is due to their kind of view. They bel More
        Mystics and Sufis believe that the hadith, as the book of Allah, has an appearance and a reality. A very important point is the meta-historical and hermeneutic view of the mystics in confrontation of mystical and Sufi hadiths which is due to their kind of view. They believe that the way of the hadith narrators, which noted more on the hadith evidence, excludes hadith from perception its contents. For example, the narrative of Adam’s creation on God’s image which the first time mentioned in Genesis, is one of the documentation of Sufis, Considering that this teaching was first mentioned in Bible, jurists and hadith narrators, consider it as an adaptation from Jewish heritage, giving it the title of the Isra'iliyyat (attributing to Israil), and consider it spurious hadiths. While from the sight of Mystics, in all Abrahamic religions, this belief that God created Adam in his Image or truth, is a principle and spiritual truth and the fact that in one (Judaism) it is explicitly mentioned in the old testament, and in another (Islam), the same phrase is not mentioned in the Qur'an but in narrative was seen, cannot be a reason for its spurious.  Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Prospect of Resurrection in the Teachings of Qur'an and non-Abrahamic Religions
        Akram Bandali Shamshaki
        For a long time, different peoples, nations and cultures have answered differently and even contradictorily to this question: Some have believed that death is complete non-existence and man will be completely annihilated. Some believed in reincarnation and said that aft More
        For a long time, different peoples, nations and cultures have answered differently and even contradictorily to this question: Some have believed that death is complete non-existence and man will be completely annihilated. Some believed in reincarnation and said that after death (immortality of the soul), human souls enter in the body of an animal or human, plant, solids and continue to live in this world, and a large group, often understood the teachings of the prophets belived another world and believed in the reward and punishment of the righteous and the wicked people. Philosophers and sages have also expressed various opinions and thoughts in this field according to their religions and tastes, and have spoken in the form of philosophical or mystical reasoning and expression, and those who have considered life limited to this worldly life are in fact superficial and popular people with the materialist way of thinking. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A comparative study of the position of women in Islam and other Abrahamic religions
        Nafiseh Navid
        Islam's view on women and her status is very different from other Abrahamic religions. Although divine religions, all originate from the source of revelation, But the existing difference is due to the distortions that have occurred in their teachings and scriptures thro More
        Islam's view on women and her status is very different from other Abrahamic religions. Although divine religions, all originate from the source of revelation, But the existing difference is due to the distortions that have occurred in their teachings and scriptures throughout history. The distorted Jewish religion has a negative attitude towards women and he is a secondary existence and a human which must always be submissive and owned by a man And she is deprived of her economic and social rights. The distorted religion of Christianity also considers the creation of woman to be according to man and for him. A woman is an imperfect creature and serves a man And she considers her a deceiver and a seducer You should always be safe from his evil and it does not deserve many human rights. Islam attaches great value to women. The Quran considers the creation of man and woman as independent and the essence of humanity as one and he considers women as worthy of benefiting from all human rights and she places her in the ranks of men in reaching the stage of perfection and closeness to God. Manuscript profile