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        1 - Creaton and explanation of a managerial pattern of endowment culture development with the emphasis on social capital in the horizon of 1404
        Monir Shamohamm kamran mohammadkhani gholamreza godarzi reza salehiamiri
        Spread the culture of endowment, etc. one of the major factor, unwinding of the density of wealth in the society and create a suitable platform for the growth of spiritual values and divine, in the form of a fair distribution of the wealth, can be considered and underst More
        Spread the culture of endowment, etc. one of the major factor, unwinding of the density of wealth in the society and create a suitable platform for the growth of spiritual values and divine, in the form of a fair distribution of the wealth, can be considered and understood from the same point; i.e., unfathomable endowment in the development, economic, intellectual, cultural and spiritual communities is that Islam is the religion of the sacred .Awareness of the culture of devotion between people in the community managers Affairs about it, and the history affecting it can be in the direction of this property Cultural Endowment effective. In the first study a pattern of qualitative to manage the development of the culture of endowment based on interviews with experts, the formulation was then based on a quantitative study with 482 subjects, a sample. Research findings, in part, the qualitative showed that the pattern of management development, culture, devote, 2 day, and 18 components. Components include the "Career Network" and "Local Area Network", the "national networks" and "international networks" related to the next "social networking" component "honesty, support, social, institutionalization of rules, responsibility, justice, cooperation, and empathy, trust, satisfaction, solidarity, etc., commitment and belonging, morality, interaction, cohesion and respect together" related to the next "social norms" of the categories, the overall development of the management culture of the endowment. The findings of the quantitative section is also fitted, good structural model with the data, the statistical population was the pattern of the aforementioned explanation Manuscript profile
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        2 - Vedic Theology
        M. J. Shams
        The most ancient and most important sources of Hindu religion arethe Vedas, and among them Rg Veda, which is a collection ofhymns composed in praise of various gods, undoubtedly occupiesthe most prominent place.Glorification and praise of each god in many hymns of the R More
        The most ancient and most important sources of Hindu religion arethe Vedas, and among them Rg Veda, which is a collection ofhymns composed in praise of various gods, undoubtedly occupiesthe most prominent place.Glorification and praise of each god in many hymns of the Rg Veda,sometimes as the greatest of the gods, has led the scholars topropose various theories of Vedic religion, from polytheism tohenotheism (or kenotheism) and monotheism, and to make differentcategorizations of the Vedic gods.The present article tries to explain and analyse the Vedic theologyin the light of these theories. It also deals with the various classes ofthe Vedic gods. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative Analysis of “Armance” by Stendhaland “Tom Jones” by Henry Fielding Based on the Freud’s Theories
        Mehdi Momtahen Nasrin Daftarchi
        Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology looks for the psychological interpretation of the unconscious manifestation of the writer in the literary text. Thus he judges the literary work on behalf of the writer and looks for the signs of the unconscious presence of the wr More
        Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology looks for the psychological interpretation of the unconscious manifestation of the writer in the literary text. Thus he judges the literary work on behalf of the writer and looks for the signs of the unconscious presence of the writer in order to reveal the secrets of such presentations. Henry Fielding published the novel “The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling” in1749 which depicts the life of a sociable and naïve boy who falls in for the girl next door, Sophia Western. Accordinglythe novel “Armance” or some scenes from “A Salon in Paris”, written by the 19th century French writer Stendhal are instances in which the signs of the unconscious presence of the writer could be pointed out. The present article tries to have a psychological review of these novels from Sigmund Freud point of view. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Aesthetics of Repetition in Yahya Samavi’s Divan, "Ghalilake…… La Khathirahonna"
        Yahya Ma'aroof Noor Al-din Parvin
          In a literary text, repetition is attractive both literarally and semanticly. Literally, repetition is  an element of creating harmonic, musical tone in the text as it causes emphasis on the meaning and its further implications. Repetition as one of the mos More
          In a literary text, repetition is attractive both literarally and semanticly. Literally, repetition is  an element of creating harmonic, musical tone in the text as it causes emphasis on the meaning and its further implications. Repetition as one of the most important rhetorical figures has received special attention by contemporary Arab poets. Among these poets is Yahya Samavi, Iraqi poet living in Australia, whose divan entitled "Ghalilake ……… La Kathirahonna" has been composed about his wife and sufferings of his country which have been ever his real source of griefs, sorrows and memories.  Using descriptive-analytical method, the present study aims to study aesthetics of repetition inYahya Samavi’s divan in terms of lexicon repetition (singular lexicons, lexicons related to nature, antonyms, and pronouns) and phrases repetition (repetition of independent sentences, of title of odes, of different styles,of  interrogatives and vocatives). The results suggest that the poet has shown his own sorrow and sadness for living far from his homeland Iraq, using repetition which is the main structure of the divan. The results also show that there is complete propriety between repetition figure and meaning of verses. Manuscript profile
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        5 - مقایسه اثربخشی فنون حساسیت زدایی تدریجی، جرأت آموزی و تلفیقی در درمان اختلال هراس اجتماعی
        جواد خلعتبری1 دکتر شهره قربان شیرودی2 دکتر محمد صالحی3 جواد خلعتبری1 دکتر شهره قربان شیرودی2 دکتر محمد صالحی3
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        6 - Yeynash and the method of Hamdollah Mostofi Ghazvini in the history
        parvin ranjbar
        Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic hist More
        Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic historian has been based on two approaches to narrative and critical thinking, and the persistence of religious beliefs. The defense of Iranian Ilkhans has provided a wealth of information in the political, social, economic, geographic and cultural areas of the Mongols. Key words: Hamda ... Mostofi, Ilkhanan, Historiography, Providence Hamd ... Mostofi Ghazvini was one of the historians and Mughal era reign of the cemetery, which influenced the society of his time and influenced his predecessors to write works in the fields of history, poetry and economics. The intellectual system of this archaic historian has been based on two approaches to narrative and critical thinking, and the persistence of religious beliefs. The defense of Iranian Ilkhans has provided a wealth of information in the political, social, economic, geographic and cultural areas of the Mongols. Key words: Hamda ... Mostofi, Ilkhanan, Historiography, Providence Manuscript profile
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        7 - New judicial system Pahlavi
        amin baniyi hasan zandi
        The movement of social, political, and economic reconstruction that started in Iran by Constitutional Revolution and later experienced up and down and finally stagnation, gained a new momentum and revitalized in Pahlavi I. The judiciary system was no exception. One of t More
        The movement of social, political, and economic reconstruction that started in Iran by Constitutional Revolution and later experienced up and down and finally stagnation, gained a new momentum and revitalized in Pahlavi I. The judiciary system was no exception. One of the characteristics of modern Pahalavi’s was the reconstruction of old bureaucratic system, the centralization of administrative and executive offices, and the creation of rule of law in the country. The justice department was part of this. Another aspect of  these changes was to marginalize religious leaders’ judiciary control. Ali Akbar Davar, the founder of modern judiciary department, was assigned to do carry out the task. He brought about some changes in judiciary systems, especially in writing and formulating laws. The present study investigates the judiciary system in Pahlavi era, especially the Pahlavi I, qualitatively and quantitatively Manuscript profile
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        8 - ارتباط و تأثیر ابعاد سرمایه اجتماعی بر تعهد سازمانی (مطالعه موردی : دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد آیت ا... آملی)
        علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر محسن دهقان محرم آزاد نیما خاکپور
        در این مقاله در صدد بررسی ارتباط و تأثیر ابعاد سرمایه اجتماعی بر تعهد سازمانی در میان کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد آیت ا... آملی هستیم. داده های مورد نیاز با استفاده از دو روش کتابخانه‌ای و میدانی (پیمایش) و ابزار پرسش­نامه از میان نمونه آماری 108 نفری از جامعه‌ More
        در این مقاله در صدد بررسی ارتباط و تأثیر ابعاد سرمایه اجتماعی بر تعهد سازمانی در میان کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد آیت ا... آملی هستیم. داده های مورد نیاز با استفاده از دو روش کتابخانه‌ای و میدانی (پیمایش) و ابزار پرسش­نامه از میان نمونه آماری 108 نفری از جامعه‌ی آماری 152 نفری و بر مبنای جدول مورگان، جمع‌آوری شده‌اند. یافته‌های توصیفی تحقیق نشان داد که وضعیت متغیرهای مستقل (سرمایه اجتماعی کل،  ساختاری، شناختی و ارتباطی) و متغیر وابسته (تعهد سازمانی) زیر سطح متوسط قرار داشتند که نشان دهنده‌ی وضعیت نامناسبی است. یافته‌های تبینی تحقیق نشان داد که تمامی فرضیات تحقیق اعم از فرضیه اصلی (رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی کل با تعهد سازمانی) و فرضیات فرعی (رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی ساختاری، شناختی و ارتباطی با تعهد سازمانی) تأیید شدند . در تحلیل رگرسیون چند گانه هم متغیرهای سرمایه اجتماعی ساختاری، شناختی و ارتباطی وارد شدند که تأثیر تمامی آنها معنادار شد و ضریب تعیین ( ) برابر 406/0 بود که نشان می‌دهد مجموعه متغیرهای مستقل 6/40 درصد از واریانس و تغییرات متغیر وابسته را تبیین کردند که مقدار مناسبی است. برای بررسی توأمان تأثیرات مستقیم، غیرمستقیم و کل متغیرهای مستقل بر متغیر وابسته هم از تحلیل مسیر استفاده شد. بیشترین تأثیر کل را به ترتیب متغیرهای سرمایه اجتماعی ارتباطی، شناختی و ساختاری داشتند. نتایج این مطالعه اهمیت، ارتباط و تأثیر ابعاد سرمایه اجتماعی بر تعهد سازمانی را نشان داد.  Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Political and Security Relations of Russia and the United States in Eastern Europe during Putin’s Presidency (1998-2008)
        Hamid Hadiyan Hasti Saif
        The international system after the end of the Cold War is still in transition. There is not yet an established situation in relations of the governments. The former bipolar world has given its place to a chaotic world which does not have a definite order. The Soviet Uni More
        The international system after the end of the Cold War is still in transition. There is not yet an established situation in relations of the governments. The former bipolar world has given its place to a chaotic world which does not have a definite order. The Soviet Union and the United States competed with each other during the Cold War era for nearly half a century due to bipolar power structure and nature. For this reason, the study of the relations of these two countries has attracted the attention of observers. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and separation of several republics and formation of Russian Federation many changes took place in the relations of the two. The relations of the United States and Russia took a new shape during Vladimir Putin presidency due to presence and influence of the United States in the periphery and sphere of influence of Russia. The partnership for peace plan by NATO with Central Asian, Caucasus and former Eastern Europe countries led to sharp differences between Russia and NATO, also deployment of missile defense shield of the United States in Czech Republic and Poland have been among important issues and challenging factors in relations of the two. These measures by the United States have had Russia’s reaction in the shape of energy diplomacy and armament diplomacy. In this regard the Eastern Europe has been the hotbed of all these events. This region, therefore, devoted a high priority region in security policies of Russia and the United States within 1998-2008 periods. Manuscript profile
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        10 - بررسی مصادیق برجسته ی عدالت قضایی در سیره ی امام علی (ع)
        محمد صالح ولیدی
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        11 - Two newly found Puns in Poetry of Hafez
        Ahmad Shoghi Nobar
        Although Hafez is a true master in almost all figures of speech, however his utmost art and the characteristic of his poetry find expression in his puns.  The scope of this literary device in his poetics particularly taking into account the newly found puns becomes More
        Although Hafez is a true master in almost all figures of speech, however his utmost art and the characteristic of his poetry find expression in his puns.  The scope of this literary device in his poetics particularly taking into account the newly found puns becomes so extensive that it transcends the typical classification of puns in academic rhetorical textbooks.  This technique also renders his “garden of imagination” more colorful. This article is concerned with the introduction of variety of puns as well as the two newly found ones.  Examples are given for each kind from the poetry of Hafez. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Raising the mythological characters by animals and mythological creatures (In epics and Iranian and non-Iranian narratives)
        Narges Mohammadi Badr Yahya Nooroddini Aghdam
         Despite their complexities and variations among the mythological archetypes a kind of concordance and closeness is observed in their main theme which renders the comparative study of these narratives possible; the subject of raising certain mythological characters More
         Despite their complexities and variations among the mythological archetypes a kind of concordance and closeness is observed in their main theme which renders the comparative study of these narratives possible; the subject of raising certain mythological characters by animals and mythological creatures is of utmost importance. The close study of mythological narratives reveals that in the beginning man and animals lived together and lived in the same manner and no wonder that many of former Gods had dual nature. In many narratives humans and mythological personages were chosen and raised by some animals and due to this upbringing the good or evil nature of those animals were manifested in the material lives of their protected. These narratives are so widespread to the extent that one witnesses their similarity form the Far Eastern myths to Western ones. What is worthy of attention in this regard is the fantastic influence that animals in raising the humans leave behind in forming their characters that place them far beyond the other individuals. The best example of such characteristics are found in the Persian epic myth culture namely in the story of Raising Feraydun by the cow Barmayeh, and the raising of Zal by Simorgh. The subject of this article however limited is reflected in books such as “Dictionary of Greek and Roman myths” under the entry “Paris” and “Romelus”, Shahnameh in the tale of Feraydun and Zal, “Dictionary of the Greek myths” in the story of raising Eskandar and so forth and the role of animals were pointed out in raising these characters. As far as the author of this article is concerned a work which independently deals with all aspects of raising mythological characters by animals in the myths of different nations was not found, thus the present research aware of such necessity and by employing the comparative approach aims to study and discuss these mythological narratives. Manuscript profile