List of Articles کرهشمالی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - An Analytical Study on the Personality of Political Leaders with Emphasis on the Role of Political Intelligence and Mindfulness (Case Study: US and North Korean Leaders) mohammadbagher khorramshad soheil rajabi Ali Mohammadzadeh ebrahim motaghi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - A Comparative Study of Political Leadership Styles in North Korea and the United States (Case Study: Trump and Kim Jong UN) mohammadbagher khorramshad soheil rajabi ali mohammadzadeh Ebrahim Motaghi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A Comparative Study of Political Leadership Styles in North Korea and the United States (Case Study: Trump and Kim Jong UN) mohammadbagher khorramshad soheil rajabi ali mohammadzadeh Ebrahim Motaghi