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        1 - بررسی ضرورت آموزش سواد رسانه ای کودکان و نوجوانان از نگاه متخصصان آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران
        حوریه دهقان شاد سید محمد محمودی کوکنده
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        2 - The Effect of Ecological-Social Behaviors on Social Development (Case of Study: The Southern Pars Staff)
        Mansour Haghighatiyan Nasorallah Pourafkari Gholamreza Jafarinia
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        3 - Effect of environmental practices in creating sustainable development (Case: Bushehr city)
        Golamreza Jafarinia
        The overall objective of this study is to investigate Effect of environmental practices in creating sustainable developmentSecondary objective of the study is study on relation between social associations, social norms and social trust and environmental social behaviors More
        The overall objective of this study is to investigate Effect of environmental practices in creating sustainable developmentSecondary objective of the study is study on relation between social associations, social norms and social trust and environmental social behaviors of the employees of Bushehr.  The research method in this study is survey method. Our study population is 60,850 people of  busher employees that have been chosen using Cochran formula with sample size of 381 people. This statistical population is done by cluster sampling. We processed data using AMOS and SPSS software. The results of the statistical analysis show that according to the data regression model have done and Pearson correlation coefficient and significance level obtained from the regression, since significance levels in three variables of social associations, social norms and social trust were 0.00 that is smaller than 0.05 and also significance levels of structural equalities using AMOS software were 0.027, 0.024 and 0.012 respectively and all are smaller than 0.05, there is a relationship between these three assumptions and environmental social behaviors of bushehr. In the other words, all these three assumptions in this study have been confirmed.Extended AbstractIntroduction:     Today, political and economic crises and issues such as limited fossil fuel sustainability, environmental concerns, growing congestion, economic growth and consumption are all universal issues that are widely considered by thinkers to find appropriate solutions to energy problems in The world, and especially the environmental crises, have been preoccupied. On the one hand, in the current world, the economic and political support of countries depends on their productivity of fossil resources, and the depletion of fossil resources is not only a threat to the economies of exporting countries, but also a major concern for the economic system of importing nations. . Owners of natural resources and reserves, on the other hand, are well aware that their current withdrawals from their resources will require less productivity in the future and eventually "depletion of resources in the short term." are significant reasons that warn the need to change people's consumption attitudes. Energy practice and of course improving the environmental behaviors of people in general and modifying the consumption pattern in part in relation to energy resources in our country is also felt more and more, because preventing the waste of fossil fuel resources, in addition to rapid access More to sustainable development and conservation of resources for future generations, reducing environmental pollution that one One of the main problems of today's societies will be that human beings today live in a world in crisis. In recent decades, in addition to social, economic, political and value crises, which are considered serious threats, environmental problems and crises must be added to the list of global crises. Ever since man set foot on the planet, there has been a constant and stable interaction between him and the natural world. However, achieving behavioral changes in relation to a particular topic, first requires a change in people's attitudes toward the same topic. Therefore, understanding environmental attitudes is the primary goal of researchers in gaining new insights in order to help research in environmental behaviors. Sears' studies show that there are four levels of change in the individual. First, the individual's knowledge must change (education), this change in knowledge causes a change in attitude, and a change in attitude causes a change in individual behavior, and a change in individual behavior causes a change in group behavior. Thus, changing one's attitude towards one's personal knowledge requires more time. Changes in a person's attitude can affect his behavior and ultimately his group behavior (social and organizational)Methodology:     This research has been done as a survey. In sampling based on Cochran's logical formula, the optimal confidence level in this research is considered to be 0.95, so the desired probability level (d) is equal to 0.05 and the size of the variable in the natural distribution or The reliability coefficient (t‌) is equal to 1.96. Estimation can be used to determine variance. The largest sample required to answer a research question is obtained when the probability of having an adjective or being in sample (p) is 0.5. In this case, the standard error is minimized. As a result, the probability of not having an adjective or not being in sample (q) will be equal to 0.5.Results:         Hypothesis v1 Test: There seems to be a relationship between civic participation networks and environmental social behaviors of Bushehr citizens - The weight obtained between civic participation networks and environmental social behaviors of Bushehr citizens is equal to 0.11. This number is interpreted to mean that the direct effects of the two variables on each other are equal to 11%. The level of significance between the two variables of civic participation networks and environmental social behaviors is equal to 0.027. (Because the significant level between v1 and v5 is less than 0.05). Therefore, there is a relationship between civic participation networks and environmental social behaviors of Bushehr citizens Hypothesis v2 test: There seems to be a relationship between social norms and social environmental behaviors of Bushehr citizens. - The weight obtained between social norms and social environmental behaviors of Bushehr citizens is equal to 0.11. This number is interpreted to mean that the direct effects of the two variables on each other are equal to 11%. The significance level between the two variables of social norms and environmental social behaviors is equal to 0.024 (because the significance level between v2 and v5 is less than 0.05). Therefore, there is a relationship between social norms and environmental social behaviors of Bushehr citizens. Hypothesis v3 test: There seems to be a relationship between social trust and social environmental behaviors of Bushehr citizens. - The weight obtained between social trust and social environmental behaviors of Bushehr citizens is equal to 0.12. This number is interpreted to mean that the direct effects of the two variables on each other are equal to 12%. The level of significance between the two variables of social trust and environmental social behaviors is equal to 0.012 (because the level of significance between v3 and v5 is less than 0.05). Therefore, there is a relationship between social trust and environmental social behaviors of Bushehr citizens. Hypothesis of v1-v3 test: It seems that there is a relationship between the network of civil participation and social trust in the citizens of Bushehr. - The weight obtained between the network of civil participation and social trust in the citizens of Bushehr is equal to 0.21. This number is interpreted as the direct effects of two variables on each other equal to 0.21 percent. Also, there is no relationship between the Civil Participation Network and the social trust of the citizens of Bushehr. (Because the significant level between 3 v and v1 is greater than 0.05).Conclusion:       With the formation of environmental sociology, over the years, the importance of research on environmental issues also increased. Sociologists who have studied environmental issues at different times in history have considered different areas. According to the five areas that Butel has identified for this area of ​​sociology, namely: the new human ecosystem; Environmental attitudes, values ​​and behaviors; Environmental movement; Technological risk and risk assessment; And political economy in environmental policy, the present study in general, is based on the fifth category of this classification. Because it seeks to study the behavior, attitudes and environmental values ​​of individuals (Salehi: 55, 2010). In other words, this research is placed on issues related to the relationship between society and the environment, a topic that is examined by the sociology of the environment as a sub-branch of sociology. Gücken et al. Is (same). Researchers in many fields believe that countries cause serious and irreparable damage to the environment under the pretext of achieving technological development. Since Iran is currently one of the developing countries in the world rankings, it may be necessary to pay full attention to the environment and prevent its destruction and damage in order to achieve development horizons. , It seems necessary. The main issue of this research is the issue of environmental social behaviors. Iran has rich energy reserves and natural resources, but has always had problems due to the lack of conscious use of these resources and their misuse. Perhaps changing the social behavior of individuals in relation to this issue was the main goal on which this research was initially based. It seemed that by changing habits, raising awareness and leading people to pay more attention to the environment and related issues, a solution could be found for this issue. Therefore, a set of factors that seemed to be able to explain the significant environmental behavior of individuals based on theoretical approaches and previous research, were included in the analytical model and their indicators were considered. A questionnaire including demographic variables, environmental social behaviors, civic participation networks, social norms and social trust was made available to the sample. Data were collected and analyzed using statistical software, which is summarized below. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Sociological study of the civil participation and its related factors among students of Islamic Azad university of Tabriz
        Nima javadzadeh Hussein Banifatimeh
        The aim of this paper is to study the sociological factors related to the civil participation. The population of this research is students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. The statistical sample included 400 people that are obtained through Morgan table. Sampling m More
        The aim of this paper is to study the sociological factors related to the civil participation. The population of this research is students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. The statistical sample included 400 people that are obtained through Morgan table. Sampling method of the study was stratified random sampling and the data were analyzed by SPSS software. According to the results, the rate of civil participation is at the average level. Pearson correlation coefficients show that, there is a meaningful relationship between social trust, political participation, social cohesion, the pursuit of profit and personal gain, feeling of powerlessness and civil participation.  Also, the results of multivariate regression analysis show that, social trust and political participation had the greatest influence on civil participation. Manuscript profile
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        5 - بررسی رابطه سرمایه فرهنگی و رفتارهای زیست‌محیطی دربین جوانان شاغل در عسلویه (پارس جنوبی)
        احمد بخارایی صادق صالحی مریم معصومی
               هدف بررسی رابطه سرمایه فرهنگی و رفتارهای زیست محیطی دربین جوانان شاغل درعسلویه (پارس جنوبی) و اهداف فرعی این پژوهش بررسی رابطه بین شبکه­های مشارکت مدنی، هنجارهای اجتماعی و اعتماد اجتماعی با رفتارهای اجتماعی زیست محیطی کارکنان پارس جنوبی می More
               هدف بررسی رابطه سرمایه فرهنگی و رفتارهای زیست محیطی دربین جوانان شاغل درعسلویه (پارس جنوبی) و اهداف فرعی این پژوهش بررسی رابطه بین شبکه­های مشارکت مدنی، هنجارهای اجتماعی و اعتماد اجتماعی با رفتارهای اجتماعی زیست محیطی کارکنان پارس جنوبی می­باشد. روش تحقیق دراین پژوهش بصورت پیمایشی می­باشد که جامعه موردمطالعه ما60850 نفرازکارکنان پارس جنوبی می­باشد که باکمک فرمول کوکراین حجم نمونه 381 نفر انتخاب شده که این جامعه آماری بصورت نمونه­گیری خوشه­ای انجام شده است و با کمک نرم افزارهای 18SPSS  وAMOS  به پردازش داده­ها پرداختیم.  نتایج به دست­­آمده از محاسبات آماری نشان می­دهد که با توجه به مدل برازش داده شده و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و سطح معنی­داری به دست آمده از رگرسیون، چون سطح معنی­داری درهرسه متغیر شبکه­های مشارکت مدنی، هنجارهای اجتماعی و اعتماد اجتماعی  برابر 00/0 بوده و از 05/0کوچکتر می­باشد، همچنین سطح معنی­داری  بدست­آمده از معادلات ساختاری باکمک نرم افزار اموس به ترتیب 027/0 ،024/0، 012/0 وچون از05/0 کوچکتر می­باشد بنابراین  بین هر سه فرضیه و رفتارهای اجتماعی زیست محیطی پارس جنوبی رابطه وجود دارد و یا به عبارتی دیگر هر سه  فرضیه ما دراین پژوهش تأیید می­شوند Manuscript profile
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        6 - بررسی تأثیر پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی بر مشارکت اجتماعی (مورد پژوهش: جوانان شهر بابل)
        سروش فتحی جابر میرزاپوری
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی بر مشارکت اجتماعی جوانان تدوین شده است. از روش پیمایش، با جمعیت نمونه 385 نفری از میان جوانان شهر بابل، برای بررسی موضوع استفاده شده است. روائی و پایایی پرسش‎نامه به ترتیب با اعتبار‎ صوری و آلفای‎کرونباخ ب More
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی بر مشارکت اجتماعی جوانان تدوین شده است. از روش پیمایش، با جمعیت نمونه 385 نفری از میان جوانان شهر بابل، برای بررسی موضوع استفاده شده است. روائی و پایایی پرسش‎نامه به ترتیب با اعتبار‎ صوری و آلفای‎کرونباخ به مقدار 85/0 مورد سنجش قرار گرفته است. یافته‎ها نشان می­دهد میزان مشارکت اجتماعی در گروه­های شغلی و سطوح تحصیلات مختلف در افراد متفاوت است. همچنین میان درآمد و مشارکت اجتماعی رابطه معنادار و مستقیمی وجود دارد. نتایج نشان می­دهد میان متغیر پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی و مشارکت اجتماعی رابطه معنادار و مستقیمی وجود دارد، بطوری­که با افزایش(یا کاهش) پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی، میزان مشارکت اجتماعی افزایش(یا کاهش) می­یابد. تحلیل نتایج بیان می‌دارد که افراد در پایگاه اقتصادی-اجتماعی بالاتر، به دلیل تعلق و همبستگی به اجتماع، احساس اثربخشی و قدرت اثرگذاری، قدرت تصور ارتباط میان آینده جامعه با آینده آنها و آگاهی از قواعد و الگوهای کنش اجتماعی، به رفتارهای مسؤولانه اجتماعی بیشتری مبادرت می­ورزند. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A sense of belonging to the city and social participation in urban management
        ali feizolahi
        The sense of belonging to the city indicates the existence of a positive mentality of ‎individuals towards the place of residence and other citizens, and the continuity of ‎belonging to the city inevitably involves a form of commitment for citizens to the ‎s More
        The sense of belonging to the city indicates the existence of a positive mentality of ‎individuals towards the place of residence and other citizens, and the continuity of ‎belonging to the city inevitably involves a form of commitment for citizens to the ‎surrounding social environment. Participation in the social life of the city has always been ‎an important issue in the field of urban sociology. Therefore, this article seeks to examine ‎the role of the sense of belonging to the city in the social participation of citizens in urban ‎management and to play a role in the practical way of establishing a lasting relationship ‎between citizens and the institution of urban management. Therefore, in a survey study ‎using stratified sampling and finally simple random sampling method, a sample of 334 ‎heads of households was selected and the data were analyzed using SPSS and Liserl ‎software. The results of the study show that the level of citizens' social participation ‎‎(2.04), civic participation (2), participatory spirit (1.92), trust in managers (2.01) and ‎The degree of feeling of belonging to the city is (2.46) are moderate. social factors are effective in social participation in city management and in ‎the test of structural equations, the relationships of these variables with the dependent ‎variable have been confirmed. the results indicate moderate social ‎participation of citizens, but due to immigration, mainly rural and intra-provincial, and ‎the combination of urban neighborhoods, it has the necessary potential for urban ‎management to benefit from the participatory capacities of citizens.‎ Manuscript profile
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        8 - Feasibility study of presenting a model for the effect of social participation on the regeneration of dis-functioned urban textures (Case study of Mashhad)
        Rostam Saberifar
        Urban regeneration projects, especially in dis-functioned textures, face many bottlenecks, and one of the most important reasons is the lack of funding and the slow implementation process. Few successful projects show that constructive interaction between the people and More
        Urban regeneration projects, especially in dis-functioned textures, face many bottlenecks, and one of the most important reasons is the lack of funding and the slow implementation process. Few successful projects show that constructive interaction between the people and the government can solve this problem. To this end, great emphasis is placed on people's participation. But trying to persuade people to attend has not been very successful. For this reason, it is necessary to pursue the reasons for this problem and the areas for encouraging people to participate. For this purpose, the current research was conducted on the effective factors of people's participation in the regeneration of disfunctional textures in Mashhad. The research method was descriptive and analytical and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The required data were collected from 900 citizens living in urban dysfunctional contexts. The determined samples were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were evaluated using correlation coefficient, one-sample t-test, Friedman test, structural equations and path analysis. The results showed that social participation and all its four dimensions (tendency to social order, sense of responsibility, sense of security and mobilization of groups) had an effect on the presence and participation of residents in recreation and the designed model has a suitable fit. According to the designed model and determining the effect of each factor in different dimensions of regeneration, this process can be followed more quickly. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Sense of belonging to the city and social participation in urban management
        ali feizolahi
        AbstractThe sense of belonging to the city indicates the existence of a positive mentality of individuals towards the place of residence and other citizens, and the continuity of belonging to the city inevitably involves a form of commitment for citizens to the surround More
        AbstractThe sense of belonging to the city indicates the existence of a positive mentality of individuals towards the place of residence and other citizens, and the continuity of belonging to the city inevitably involves a form of commitment for citizens to the surrounding social environment. Participation in the social life of the city has always been an important issue in the field of urban sociology. Therefore, this article seeks to examine the role of the sense of belonging to the city in the social participation of citizens in urban management and to play a role in the practical way of establishing a lasting relationship between citizens and the institution of urban management. Therefore, in a survey study using stratified sampling and simple random sampling method, a sample of 334 heads of households was selected and the data were analyzed using SPSS and Liserl software. The results of the study showed that the level of citizens' social participation (2.04), civic participation (2), participatory spirit (1.92), trust in managers (2.01) and also the degree of feeling of belonging to the city (2.46) were moderate. therefore, the mentioned social factors are effective in social participation in city management and in the test of structural equations, the relationships of these variables with the dependent variable were confirmed. In general, the results indicated moderate social participation of citizens, but due to immigration, mainly rural and intra-provincial, and the combination of urban neighborhoods, it has the necessary potential for urban management to benefit from the participatory capacities of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Investigating the Factors Affecting Social (Civic) Participation among Professors of Shushtar Islamic Azad University with Emphasis on Social Capital
        Ahmad Ali Hesabi
        The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of factors affecting social (civic) participation among professors of Shushtar Islamic Azad University with emphasis on social capital, to theoretically explain social participation and social capital from classical soc More
        The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of factors affecting social (civic) participation among professors of Shushtar Islamic Azad University with emphasis on social capital, to theoretically explain social participation and social capital from classical sociological perspectives such as Karl Marx and Max Weber and society New scholars such as Bourdieu, Coleman, Giddens, Putnam, Fukuyama, etc. were used. The influential variables that remain in the regression equation are social trust, social interactions, group membership, mass media, and others. The research method was survey using questionnaire technique. The research method was survey using a questionnaire technique. The sample size was 231 people who were Accidental selected., After collecting the data and analyzing the data at both descriptive and inferential levels, rejecting and confirming the hypotheses at this level of analysis, it was noted that the variables mentioned above together explain R2 = 0.75, about 75% of the dependent variable variance. . The results show that the higher the social capital, the higher the social participation and social trust has the most impact on social participation. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The reflection of Shia jurisprudence in the legal system of Islamic countries, a case study: economic analysis of banking civil partnership contracts
        Mohammad Javad Mirzaei abbas Magdari Amiri mohamad alamzadeh
        Background and Purpose:The partnership contracts are one of the obvious methods for allocating the resources in without usury banking and the purpose of partnership contract is "contribution contract" in juridical books which the parties by merging each other’s pr More
        Background and Purpose:The partnership contracts are one of the obvious methods for allocating the resources in without usury banking and the purpose of partnership contract is "contribution contract" in juridical books which the parties by merging each other’s properties and capitals, agree to cooperate in a specific business and share the profit and loss between themselves in proportion to their portion. However, in practice banks use a category of contracts to decrease the risk of repayment of such loans, increase of profit and avoid from imperative profit rate.Method: The present research was carried out using a descriptive and analytical method.Findings and results: added some conditions in the contracts of guarantee, settlement of account, donation and etc. in order to reach the fixed rate of profit they expect in exchange contracts in the form of partnership. Including such conditions in such a contracts lead to substantive exit of contract from common definition of partnership contract. But the operation of banks in economic analysis of law is nothing except to try to earn profit and avoid loss based on the theory of reasonable behavior in economy. So, it seems the first step to amend this defective cycle is consider the problem of inflation and decrease of value of money as one of the facts in country's economy. The solution is to finance partnership projects by banking investment funds or it is independent from banks. Manuscript profile
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        12 - بررسی میزان مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان تهرانی با تأکید بر مؤلفه های سرمایه اجتماعی
        MOhammad hoseyn Eslami Jafar Rajablo Mohsen Davoudkhani
        امروزه صاحب‌نظران علم سیاست، مشارکت سیاسی را یکی از شاخصه‌های جامعه دموکراتیک مطرح می‌کنند. هر جامعه‌ای که ادعای دموکراتیک بودن را داشته باشد، اما نتواند مشارکت مردم را در اعمال حاکمیت از طریق نهادهای مدنی و تشکل‌های سیاسی فراهم کند، ادعای دمکراتیک بودن و حاکمیت مردم، ح More
        امروزه صاحب‌نظران علم سیاست، مشارکت سیاسی را یکی از شاخصه‌های جامعه دموکراتیک مطرح می‌کنند. هر جامعه‌ای که ادعای دموکراتیک بودن را داشته باشد، اما نتواند مشارکت مردم را در اعمال حاکمیت از طریق نهادهای مدنی و تشکل‌های سیاسی فراهم کند، ادعای دمکراتیک بودن و حاکمیت مردم، حرف بی‌معنایی خواهد بود. از آنجا که برخورداری از سرمایه اجتماعی در جامعه امروز بالطبع بر ادامه حیات جامعه مدنی تأثیرگذار است. این پژوهش با هدف سنجش میزان مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان تهرانی و شناخت میزان تأثیر­پذیری آن از مؤلفه‌های سرمایه اجتماعی انجام‌شده است. با انجام این پژوهش به این سؤال پاسخ خواهیم داد که: آیا میان میزان مشارکت سیاسی و پایگاه اقتصادی و اجتماعی شهروندان تهرانی رابطه  وجود دارد؟ با بررسی مفاهیم و نظریات  متغیر وابسته،مشارکت سیاسی و متغیر مستقل، سرمایه اجتماعی درنهایت مؤلفه‌های سرمایه اجتماعی شامل اعتماد اجتماعی، پایگاه اجتماعی، اقتصادی، پیوندهای اجتماعی رسمی، پیوندهای اجتماعی غیررسمی، مشارکت مذهبی، تنوع معاشرت و دوستی­ها، بخشش و روحیه داوطلبی، عدالت و مشارکت مدنی، مشارکت و رهبری مدنی در نظر گرفته شد. در این پژوهش توصیفی، پیمایشی که جامعه آماری شهروندان بالای 18 سال تهرانی در نظر گرفته شدند، با روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه­ای پنج منطقه شمال، جنوب، شرق، غرب و مرکز به‌صورت تصادفی محلات (قیطریه، نعمت‌آباد، تهران­پارس شرقی، ویلاشهر و بهار) انتخاب شدند و برای جمعیت 113346 با کمک فرمول کوکران 383 نفر با کمک پرسشنامه خودساخته مورد تحلیل قرار گرفتند. پس از بررسی فرضیات با کمک آزمون همبستگی و رگرسیون تک متغیره مؤلفه‌های اعتماد اجتماعی، پیوندهای اجتماعی رسمی، پیوندهای اجتماعی غیررسمی، مشارکت مذهبی، تنوع معاشرت و دوستی­ها، عدالت و مشارکت مدنی، مشارکت و رهبری مدنی به‌عنوان عوامل مؤثر بر مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان تهرانی شناخته شدند. بنابراین سرمایه اجتماعی بر مشارکت سیاسی افراد بر اساس این تحقیق مؤثر می­باشد.   Manuscript profile