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        1 - نقد و بررسی مشروعیت و استحباب عزاداری امام حسین (ع) و آسیب شناسی شبهات آن
        ملیحه امیرحسینی Nasrin Karimi
        عزاداری، مرثیه‌سرایی و سوگواری از دیرباز در میان ملت‌های مختلف جهان معمول بوده است و بخشی از ادبیات، فرهنگ، آداب و رسوم همه اقوام را به خود اختصاص می‌دهد. همواره این اعتقاد وجود داشته که عزادارى براى اهل بیت موجب احیاى یاد و نام آنها و در کنار آن فرهنگ و مکتب و هدف آنان More
        عزاداری، مرثیه‌سرایی و سوگواری از دیرباز در میان ملت‌های مختلف جهان معمول بوده است و بخشی از ادبیات، فرهنگ، آداب و رسوم همه اقوام را به خود اختصاص می‌دهد. همواره این اعتقاد وجود داشته که عزادارى براى اهل بیت موجب احیاى یاد و نام آنها و در کنار آن فرهنگ و مکتب و هدف آنان است. به عبارت دیگر در شکل یک پیوند روحى راه آنان به جامعه الهام گشته و پیوستگى پایدارى بین پیروان مکتب و رهبران آن برقرار مى‏سازد و دیگر گذشت قرون و اعصار نمى‏تواند بین آنان جدایى افکند. همین مسأله موجب نفوذ ناپذیرى امت از تأثیرات و انحرافات دشمنان مى‏گردد و مکتب را هم چنان سالم نگه مى‏دارد. بنابراین، مراسم عزاداری از دیدگاه دینی ارتباط محکمی باعزت‌نفس دارد و به‌عبارت‌دیگر، زمینه‌های عزت‌نفس را در افراد پدید می‌آورد؛ چرا که هر کس می‌تواند عزت‌نفسش را به میزان ارزشی که برای خود قائل است، ارتقا دهد. امروزه در حوزه ی دین باورهای غلطی در خصوص عزاداری در جامعه رواج یافته که طبق این باورها قمه زنی و برخی اعمال نامتعارف مانند لطمه زدن به صورت فی حد نفسه و ماورای شرایط موجود جامعه حلال است. به عبارتی حکم اولیه آن حلیت است و اگر برخی از مراجع آن را تحریم کرده‌اند، صرفا به جهت شرایط خاص سیاسی دنیای اسلام است. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Principle of Mourning on the Dead Person from PublicView Point
        mohammadhadi hejazi shahrzaei zahra bagheri fateme miri
        the overwhelming of Sunnite, like shi'a, have not fully discussed about the sentence of mourning for the dead (person), But they rather merely mentioned some examples and surveyed the corresponding sentence of those examples. Now question that arises would be: what is t More
        the overwhelming of Sunnite, like shi'a, have not fully discussed about the sentence of mourning for the dead (person), But they rather merely mentioned some examples and surveyed the corresponding sentence of those examples. Now question that arises would be: what is the sentence about mourning for the dead person from public viewpoint? In from Sunnite viewpoint three following examples are also consideredabout mourning on the dead: (Crying, sorrowing, tearing off the clothes, hitting the body, wounding down face) One of the theories regarding all these three examples is forbiddance, which means that, among Sunnite there are many people who have prohibited all three examples. However after studying the Sunnites' reasons, it is clear that the act of mourning for dead person is permissible by default. Therefore, in the present study, while criticizing and analyzing the different reasons we conclude that the sheer act of mourning for the dead person originally is permissible. Yes, it is true that they do not consider some of the examples of mourning permissible, such as tearing off the clothes, But this does not act as a disadvantage to the general provision that mourning is originally and by default justified and permissible. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Secondary Materials’ in Howl
        SEyed Mohammad hadi Hejazi
        The subject of this essay is about ‘Secondary Materials’ in ‘Howl’ according to discursive jurisprudence and it's deductions of Ahl-beit. The essay has been composed in three parts. In the first chapter of the first part, semantics of Secondary M More
        The subject of this essay is about ‘Secondary Materials’ in ‘Howl’ according to discursive jurisprudence and it's deductions of Ahl-beit. The essay has been composed in three parts. In the first chapter of the first part, semantics of Secondary Material, ‘Howl’ and ‘Detriment’ have been discussed and in the second chapter, the reasons of deed obligation based on ‘Secondary Materials’, condition of their performance according ‘Primary materials’and instances of ‘Secondary Materials’ have been proposed. ‘Secondary materials’ of ‘Detriment’ in ‘Howl’ have been discussed by the author through the second part and the author has reached the conclusion that the reasons of rejecting the idea of ‘Detriment’ cannot prove that some kinds of ‘Howls’ are banned because of the ‘Detriment’.Indeed, if to an extent which is considered as cruelty toward self, it ought to be banned.The third part of the essay concludes the ‘Secondary material’ of Contempt. It has been claimed by some that contempt is a reason for banning all ‘Howl’ and its problems have been discussed.One can name ‘Howl’ permission - even if it brings ‘Detriment’ and Contempt - as one of the most important conclusions of this essay. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The role of Kashefi's Martyrs Elegies in the Spreading of Ashura History Distortions
        hamid reza jadidi
        Mullah Hussein Kashefi's Martyrs Elegies book (910 A.H) which depicts Ashura's Events is one of the first books about the killings of Ashura which enjoy a literary language attraction of great influence. Since its writing, this book has been criticized its wrong narrati More
        Mullah Hussein Kashefi's Martyrs Elegies book (910 A.H) which depicts Ashura's Events is one of the first books about the killings of Ashura which enjoy a literary language attraction of great influence. Since its writing, this book has been criticized its wrong narration of the history of this event. It is considered one of the first books giving wrong historical accounts with poor historical supports about event happening on Ashura. In this article, after a brief  account about the late Timurids era and Kashefi's biography, different ideas about this book and its author have been discussed along with the reasons for distortions mentioned in the book and public interest in it. Also resources used and his narration style have been studied.  The findings show that the main reasons for such distortions are Kashefi's lack of source, fictional narration style like Sufis, relying on his own memories as an orator, lack of accuracy  in his narrations of events, and Kashefi's intention to motivate Shiites of his time to create a connection with Prophet Mohammad 's family (PBUH). It can also be said that Timurids in Khorasan created an atmosphere from which a kind of Shiites was born by which the Safavids advertise this kind of shiism. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The role of the Shiite doctrine (Taziyeh and mourning) The Constitutional Movement
        mohsen aghahasani امیر تیمور رفیعی
        Abstract Constitutional Movement, one of the major socio-political developments in the history of Iran the Qajar period and within the years 1905 - 1911 occurred. This movement by different groups of people with different ideologies and ideas emerged the result of multi More
        Abstract Constitutional Movement, one of the major socio-political developments in the history of Iran the Qajar period and within the years 1905 - 1911 occurred. This movement by different groups of people with different ideologies and ideas emerged the result of multiple factors, socio-political--economic,domestic and foreign factors that between them the role of Islamic forces in particular, the Shiite scholars as religious leaders, community and consequently the culture and the teachings of the Shia the researchers and experts are taken into consideration. Among the Shiite culture taziyeh and mourning in memory of Sayed Master of Martyrs in the course of the court and people has enjoyed a special place. Dramatic Art The role of Taziyeh which express a sense of history shiite Islamic thought and culture and is formed under the influence of Iranian culture and civilization and dialogue as Shiite media discussion and study the social upheavals of the period. We want this article to examine historical documents what is Taziyeh mourning ceremony as part of the culture and the teachings of Shi'ism has played a role in the formation of the Constitutional Movement and make offer them. Which is taken into consideration. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Funeral ceremony in Saffavid period On the basis of explorers` travels
        H.R Safakish
        Funeral ceremony in Saffavid period is concerned in Iranians whom regarded the caliphate was due to Ali and his sons. Saffavid dynasty who lived on the basis of Shiite, knew that keeping alive the mourning of Imam Hossein (P.) was the most important factor for heart tie More
        Funeral ceremony in Saffavid period is concerned in Iranians whom regarded the caliphate was due to Ali and his sons. Saffavid dynasty who lived on the basis of Shiite, knew that keeping alive the mourning of Imam Hossein (P.) was the most important factor for heart tie of the people. Ta`zieh (mourning) is a cultural behavior for Iranians to preserve the sacredness of human prominent values, because its observance in society indicates the cruel on the one hand, and the harassed on the other hand , i.e. the same historical struggle of right and wrong, and it is obvious that finally the truth is victorious. An article about this kind of ceremonies in Saffavid period (the middle history of Iran) is written in the history of Cambridge vol.7 which shows its importance. The disaster of killing Hossein b. Ali (P.) and his advocates in the `Ashura day has been a course for making a painful poetic reality in the world. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The role of Shiite teachings (Taziyeh and mourning) in the Constitutional Movement
        amirtimoor rafiei mohsen agahasani
        Constitutional Movement, one of the major socio-political developments in the history of Iran the Qajar period and within the years 1905-1911 occurred. This movement by different groups of people with different ideologies and ideas emerged the result of multiple factors More
        Constitutional Movement, one of the major socio-political developments in the history of Iran the Qajar period and within the years 1905-1911 occurred. This movement by different groups of people with different ideologies and ideas emerged the result of multiple factors, socio-political--economic,domestic and foreign factors that between them the role of Islamic forces in particular, the Shiite scholars as religious leaders, community and consequently the culture and the teachings of the Shia the researchers and experts are taken into consideration. Among the Shiite culture taziyeh and mourning in memory of Sayed Master of Martyrs in the course of the court and people has enjoyed a special place. Dramatic Art The role of Taziyeh which express a sense of history shiite Islamic thought and culture and is formed under the influence of Iranian culture and civilization and dialogue as Shiite media discussion and study the social upheavals of the period. We want this article to examine historical documents what is Taziyeh mourning ceremony as part of the culture and the teachings of Shi'ism has played a role in the formation of the Constitutional Movement and make offer them. Which is taken into consideration. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The development of innovations in mourning ceremonies at Safavid era: Causes and reasons
        ali rohani shahrzad sasanpoor
        In the history of Islamic Iran, Safavid era is  one of the period which have a profound influence on spiritual life and  cultural values of Iranian and these effects are well recognized even contemporary. Mourning ceremony in the Safavid era based, in general, More
        In the history of Islamic Iran, Safavid era is  one of the period which have a profound influence on spiritual life and  cultural values of Iranian and these effects are well recognized even contemporary. Mourning ceremony in the Safavid era based, in general, on religious and political beliefs, and from the beginning was developed so that in any period of Iranian history was not spread at this level, especially,  in such a short time. It is important, on its own,  to investigate the process of establishment and development of religious ceremonies in the Safavid period as a fundamental subject. The research question is whether the actions of Safavid government and its relevant institutions,  have been effective in the emergence and growth of distortions and innovations in  mourning ceremonies? And, if so, to what extent is involved in the development of this distortion? This article examines the mourning in Safavid era, one of the most prominent Shia historical time, and studies the roots of  innovations in religious ceremonies. In this paper, we study the political , economic and social - cultural factors that involved in the development of distortions from the different aspects, while it shows how it developed  in the Safavid era. The findings suggest that the many political , economic, social - cultural and political factors involved in developing of this innovations , but the governmental and political factors has played a great role.   Manuscript profile
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        ایران سلیمانی سیده صدیقه سید کاظمی اردبیلی