List of Articles طرحواره ناسازگار اولیه Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Semantic network of rejection and disconnection: providing persian words and examining their relation to early maladaptive schemas of disconnection and rejection domain Maryam Hedayati Fariba Zarani Vahid Nejati Fereshteh mootabi mahmood Heydari 10.30486/jsrp.2020.1865843.1790 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Relationship between Perfectionism and Early Maladaptive Fantasies with Imposter Syndrome in Female Students Mehrnoush Kalayi Rad Nadia Madani Pour Mahdieh Salehi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating the relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Mental Health According to the Mediating Role of Alexithymia in Incompatible Couples Monavareh Khalili Asl Qumarth Karimi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Developing of a Metaphor-based Psychoeducational Package to Explain and Conceptualize Disconnection and Rejection Schems Masoud Alikhani Ghasem Naziri Masoud Mohammadi Sajjad Aminimnesh 10.30495/jpmm.2023.30736.3670