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        1 - The Simple and Compound Verb in Contemporary Persian Language: challenges and solutions
        Fardin Hosseinpanahi
        Derivation and compound are two main word-formation processes in Persian language. Since the verb is the most important element in the lexical and syntactic system, productivity of language in making diverse and numerous verbs is very important, so that these verbs were More
        Derivation and compound are two main word-formation processes in Persian language. Since the verb is the most important element in the lexical and syntactic system, productivity of language in making diverse and numerous verbs is very important, so that these verbs were being productive and other words can be derived from them. This basic process is done through the process of derivation. Simple verbs are the most important elements in the Persian language that they can do the derivation. A glimpse on the usage of verbs in contemporary Persian language shows an inordinate tendency to make compound verbs, so that the number of simple verbs is very litter than of compound verbs, and the extant simple verbs mostly are being change to compound verbs. If this condition be continued, it can lead to gradual weakness and perhaps to stop verbal derivation in Persian language. In this paper, we will study the condition of simple and compound verbs in contemporary Persian language, and we criticize the theories about it, then the solutions will be studied to remedy this situation. Based on it, with usage and supporting the structures that they are subset of simple verbs or related with them, we can revive the ability of verbal derivation in Persian language. Supporting the potential of making Conversional Verbs; using the Causative Verbs and using the Prefixal Verbs are the most important solutions for revive verbal derivation in contemporary Persian language. Manuscript profile