List of Articles روضالجنان Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A comparative study of rhetorical omissions in the two Qur'anic interpretations of Ruz al Jinnan by Abul Fotuh Razi and Kashf al Asrar by Abul Fazl MeyBodi ahmad nazari masood sepahvandi ghasem sahraei 10.30495/clq.2023.1966321.2460 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - A comparative study of homiletic commentary in Rawd al-Jinan and Sourabadi’s commentaries mahnaz foladi mahani ماشالله جشنی ارانی محمد ناصحی hossein khoshdel monfared Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Analytical Comparison of the Approach to the Translation of the Qur'an by Abolfotuh Razi and Garmaroodi with the Mystical Interpretation of Kashf al-Asrar Sohrab Jeynour Mohammad Hassan Masoumi Nadali Ashuri Taluki Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Newly found rhetorical points from the two Qur'anic interpretations of Rooz al-Jinan by Abolfatuh Razi and Kashf al-Asrar by Abolfadl meybodi ahmad nazari masood sepahvandi ghasem sahraei Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - بررسی و تحلیل اضداد در دو تفسیر مجمع البیان و روض الجنان محسن قاسم پور مرضیه صالح پور