List of Articles رهبران آموزشی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Identifying the dimensions of professional development of school administrators in the horizon of 1404:A Case Study of Principals of Schools in North Khorasan Province Morteza Akhari Maryam Taghvai saeed safariyan hamedani 10.30495/educ.2023.1986181.2989 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Identifying factors affecting the effectiveness of educational leaders Abbas Korshdi 10.30495/mlseo.2022.695059 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Developing and Validating a Professional Development Model for High-school Principals: A Case Study of Principals of Schools in North Khorasan Province morteza Akhari maryam Tghvaee Saeed Safarian Hamedanii 10.30495/jedu.2022.26656.5324